12 People Admit What They Truly Don’t Understand
Hmmmm, this might take a while… Because we live in a crazy world and I’m having a hard time making sense of much of it! Am I alone in feeling this way? I don’t think so… And I’m glad these AskReddit users have my back and they’re confused, too. Take a look at what they...
15 People Detail Historical Events That Would Make Great Movies
It has been pointed out (regularly and with prejudice) that Hollywood seems to be out of original ideas. There are a lot of remakes and re-imaginings, along with sequels and prequels, but as far as original films, they seem to be few and far between. If any producers out there are looking for ideas, the...
What Should You Not Base Your Personality On? Here’s What People Had to Say.
Do you really have to base your personality around ONE thing? I don’t think you do, but a lot of people out there sure seem to do that. That being said, what do you think you should NOT base your entire personality on? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. So, you like Crossfit? “As a...
What Was Ruined Because It Got Too Popular? Here’s What People Said.
You know that there are gonna be things that you got into before they became “cool.” And sometimes those things get ruined because everyone and their mother decides to get into it…and it’s not very special anymore. What got ruined because it got too popular? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. Ruined. “Mount Everest. Watched...
12 People Talk About What Was Normal in the 1990s but Isn’t Now
So the famous rappers wore huge pants that made it look like they had parachutes on their bottom halves? That’s just the way we rolled back then! And in case you don’t know who I’m referring to, it’s M.C. Hammer and Vanilla Ice… But those days are long gone, my friends. And that’s why the...
What Was Normal in the 1990s but Isn’t Now? People Responded.
Do you miss the 1990s, or what?!?! I know I do! Good music, good movies…questionable fashion… And today we’re gonna hear from folks on AskReddit about what was normal during that glorious decade that definitely isn’t now. Go ahead and get started! 1. Those were the days. “Hotlines for the weather report, current time, and...
What Movie Do You Think Is a Masterpiece? People Shared Their Thoughts.
Gosh, I sure do love movies. Old ones, new ones, silent, talkies, black and white, color, all kinds! And along the way, I’ve made my own little list of movies that I think are total masterpieces… Let’s hear from folks on AskReddit about the movies they think fit into that category. 1. A classic. “Alien....
He Watched an R-Rated Movie on a Plane. Was He Wrong?
What’s your stance on what kind of movies are off-limits to watch on your device if you’re flying? I’d hope anything NC-17 and above would be off-limits but you never know, right? Read this story and see if you think this guy acted like an a**hole for watching an R-rated movie on a plane. AITA...