What Annoying Things Do People Revolve Their Entire Personalities Around? Here’s What Folks Said.
Oh, man, how much time you got, buddy? To each their own, of course, but I think we can all admit that there are a lot of annoying things that people revolve their entire personalities around. So let’s hear what AskReddit users had to say about this. Start now! 1. Not a good thing. “OCD....
13 People Talk About Annoying Things That Folks Revolve Their Whole Personalities Around
There are quite a few things that people out there revolve their whole personalities around that I find annoying. I’m sure they are nice people, but I just don’t understand how that can be the WHOLE thing that defines you. A few examples include craft beer, Phish, and especially BEARDS. That one is really weird...
What’s Not a Religion but People Treat It Like One? Here’s How Folks Responded.
Well, this is gonna be a lively topic filled with interesting responses! I can just feel it! Because it seems like there are a lot of things out there these days that really do feel like religions because people are so obsessed with them. Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say… 1. Creepy....
What Do You Wish Hollywood Would Stop Doing? People Shared Their Thoughts.
Oh, boy, do I have some thoughts about this topic. As a person who really loves movies, I have a lot of issues with what Hollywood is up to these days. But you aren’t here to listen to me complain… See what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. A good start… “Stop making...
13 People Share What They Think People Only Pretend to Like
Why do people pretend to like certain things? That’s a fair question, right? It just seems kind of silly… But you know it happens! Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. Fun! “Mandatory corporate fun. Oh, and remember, next Friday is Hawaiian shirt day. So, you know, if you want to, go...
What Villain Was Terrifying Because They Were Right? People Shared Their Thoughts.
Are you ready to hear about some villains today…who were RIGHT? Yes, that’s the topic of this article from the AskReddit page and it elicited some very interesting responses. Take a look at what these folks had to say about this. 1. I get it. “Magneto is my favorite villain of all time. Every time...
What Do People Pretend to Like? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.
I had a friend who used to constantly say that he thought people only pretended to like coffee and jazz… Yeah, he was kind of an idiot, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion, right? Let’s hear from folks on AskReddit about what they think people only pretend to like. 1. God Save the...
What Celebrity’s Career Is Pretty Much Over? People Responded.
Celebrities are getting canceled right and left these days. Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, the list goes on and on…and I wonder who’s next. What celebrity’s career do you think is pretty much over? AskReddit users shared their thoughts about this. 1. I think you’re right. “R Kelly…don’t see a comeback album on the way. Ironically,...