

12 Facebook Marketplace Posts That Are Ridiculous and Hilarious

Hi! I’m David! Do you have dirty corndogs!? Have I got a deal for you! If you ever need CLEAN corndogs (see below), I suggest you spend some time at the fun and friendly Facebook marketplace. You’ll find the cleanest corndogs in the tri-state area! I guarantee it. For real–these are for real. Please enjoy...

10 Lesser-Known – But Still Important – Punctuation Marks

There’s a certain type of person in the world who just adores words and grammar and yes, all kinds of punctuation. I’m not sure it’s most people, but for those of us who are into it, we know we’re part of a smarty-pants club, and we love it. If that’s you, I hope you’ll find...

These 12 People Reveal Their Traumatic Experience with Night Terrors

Nightmares are never fun, but night terrors–characterized by inconsolable screaming and thrashing–can actually start to negatively impact your life. Sometimes people have no idea why their brain gives them night terrors. Others tie it back to trauma they have suffered in the past. Whatever the reason, it can be embarrassing and take a toll on...

11 Adults Confess Their Shame about Night Terrors

I have a lot of weird, and generally unpleasant dreams. When I was little, they called them night terrors, although what I have now is not on the level of what most people describe as night terrors. No matter the intensity though, no one wants to wake up screaming and gasping for breath. Even though...

21 Pieces of Knowledge That Aren’t as Common as Some People Thought

One of the peculiar things about human beings is that we can get stuck in our own worlds. Our own bubbles, our own feedback loops, and even in our own heads – which means that sometimes we can have a skewed perception of what is “common” and what is not. These 21 people, for example,...

20 Facts You Might Be Surprised to Find Not Everyone Knows

It seems as if it should go without saying, but the fact is there is a lot to know about this world, how it works, and all of the people who have ever inhabited it. Some people know tons of information about a few things, some know a little bit about a lot of things, and...

15 Facts So Disturbing People Don’t Want Them to Be True

No matter how much you love facts, there’s a good chance that you’re going to stumble across a few of them in your lifetime that you wish you hadn’t read. Knowledge is power and all of that, but I mean…some things we just don’t want or need to know. That said, you can’t “un”know things,...

15 People Explain Why They Would Definitely Take $100K to Live in a Van for Six Months

Sometimes the questions on AskReddit are super general, and honestly anyone can answer them if they have the interest, time, and inclination. Others are specific, and asked of groups of people like doctors, maids, immigrants, etc. Then there are questions like this one, that ask people a specific question and for the reason behind their...