These 8 Philosophical Thought Experiments Are So Easy to Understand
Many of us love philosophy and debate and can sit around the table for hours discussing the events of the world and thought experiments. The idea of combining philosophy with illustration is appealing, and many of you will probably enjoy this project that philosopher and artist Helen De Cruz put together of 8 illustrated philosophical...
20 Odd Maps of America for Geeks Everywhere
I love a good map. It’s fun to visually see statistics or favorites or whatever else in map form, to check out your state see how it compares to others, no matter the random criteria, You can make a map for just about anything, but honestly, they’re all cool and interesting to me! These 20...
18 Random but Interesting Maps of America
You can show almost anything on a map, which is awesome, because people really love visual representations of things – even totally random statistics and facts, like we’re about to show you. Maybe even especially random statistics and facts, if we’re honest, which means you’re going to love these! 18. Tree Diversity. I just love trees,...
13 Hilariously Wrong Comments People Have Shared on the Internet
People generally behave themselves in real life. When was the last time you saw someone make a morbid or inappropriate comment at a party? But the internet is an entirely different ballgame, literally and figuratively. Here, people really let loose and find a way to make even the most innocent photos or news headlines into...
Enjoy These 10 Quality Facts That May Teach You Something
Surprises are great, right! You bet they are! And our amazing fact sets are always full of them, so be sure to read through a bunch of other ones that we have on our site. Are you ready to learn some new facts that we’re pretty sure you didn’t know before? Let’s take a look!...
15 People Muse on Things That Are Too Dangerous to Forget
I love the random questions on Reddit, especially the ones with answers that really get you thinking. People are really creative and funny, especially when they’re answering questions with unidentifiable usernames, right? And when someone asked “what’s something too dangerous to forget?” people really put their thinking caps on! Or they just said the first...
16 People Muse on the Dumbest Super Power That Would Also Be Kind of Nice
Superpowers are always something amazing, like being able to fly or hear thoughts or walk through walls. They’re never something mundane, like maybe being able to tell when there’s a hair in your food without accidentally stumbling on it halfway through your meal. That would be nice, though, right? Those sorts of nice-but-not-really-super powers are...
If Time Stood Still For Everyone But You, What Would You Do?
Reddit is a great place for posing random but interesting questions. So many people come by and drop their unique, thought-provoking, and yes, funny, answers. One recent question, asking what readers would do if time froze for one day for everyone else, really turned out some delightful answers. 17. Damn the man. I’ll be real...