

16 People Explain Where They’d Hide If They Had a $5 Billion Bounty on Their Head

Imagine that you had to escape capture for 48 hours because a $5,000,000,000 bounty had been placed on your head, and everyone on the planet knew about it. How would you survive? That’s the question that one clever Redditor posed to AskReddit recently, and people’s answers are fascinating. Some are actually useful, and some are just for...

15 People Share Why They’re Still Married, Even Though They’re Not In Love

Relationships are tough. They are a lot of work and when you’re in one, you go through many phases and emotions. In short, it’s a bit like a roller coaster ride but with your emotions and very slow. And sometimes, you fall out of love with someone but you stay with them anyway. Folks on...

Ford Creates a Noise-Cancelling Kennel Prototype to Protect Dogs from Fireworks Noise

It’s always very sad to see how upset and nervous dogs get while fireworks are blasting away on the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve (and sometimes on other occasions depending on where you live). The loud bangs can scare dogs badly and sometimes it seems like nothing will calm them back down. Well,...

People Are Talking About How Weird Toucans Really Are, Sharing Facts About Them On Tumblr

I think I’ve been pretty clear and consistent in all of my writings that birds totally freak me out. They’re a little too smart, their beaks a tad too sharp…they’re just too much like dinosaurs for my liking. That said, I have no trouble admitting that they’re interesting, and fun facts are business, so…here are...

10 Fascinating History Facts for You to Ponder

I love history. I could study history every day for the rest of my life and never get bored. I’m also interested in all periods of history as well (though I definitely know more about some than others). Do you feel the same way? I hope so because here are 10 history facts that should get you...

14 Films That Would Have Totally Different Plots if You Removed a Single Letter from Their Titles

Reddit is a great place to go when you want to muse on the “what ifs” of life – even when they’re silly or throwaway musings like this one. Basically, someone asked: if you removed a single letter from a film title, how would that change the plot? If you’re in the mood for random,...

Funny Tumblr Thread Explores the Unexpected Hilarious Side of Being a Court Reporter

Even though the job might sound boring and difficult, court reporters are essential to a transparent justice system. But while court reporting may be difficult, it is definitely not always boring. Court just doesn’t strike most people as the type of place where unhinged people run their mouths, but… Well. Court can get pretty nuts....

14 People Share the Dumbest Thing Anyone Ever Said to Them

I can actually remember the dumbest thing someone ever said out loud to me, and how it kind of stunned me into silence for a good thirty seconds. There’s no way to respond to some comments, truly, that isn’t incredulous or flat-out rude. Me? I just nodded and smiled. Please give me an example of...