

12 People Talk About the Ridiculous Things Kids Are Still Being Taught

Do you remember when you were a kid, you were taught that if a person picked on you, it really meant they liked you? I remember that one, too! And it turns out that wasn’t really true a lot of the time…lesson learned! My point is that kids get taught a lot of ridiculous things...

12 People Admit the False Things They Believed in for Too Long

We live in a time where misinformation is everywhere…all you have to do is look at social media and see some of the things adults post on there. Yes, it’s depressing… And today we’re gonna hear from people who admitted the false things they believed for too long. Let’s see what they said on AskReddit....

10 College Professors Who Deserve Tenure Like, Right Now

If you’re someone who has been to college (or sent kids to college) then you know that you have certain expectations for the professors who are getting paid to deliver that super expensive education – and that there are way too many teachers who don’t even seem to be trying to meet them. That said,...

11 Professors Who Should Probably Lose Their Jobs

I know that teaching college is supposed to be better than teaching younger kids because you don’t have to deal with parents and, since your students are adults, you can get away with a lot more stuff. That said, there are professors who get away with way too much – if you went to college,...

17 People Share The Unethical Practices They’ve Seen In Schools

We all want to think that schools are somewhere we can send our kids without having to worry about their health and safety – mental or physical – but in reality, we should realize that there is corruption and dishonesty in every profession. These 17 people have been shocked at the unethical practices they’ve seen...

13 People Share Scary and Disturbing Historical Facts

You may think you know a lot about history, but today you’re gonna get a lesson in DISTURBING HISTORY. Because a bunch of AskReddit users were nice enough to share dark, disturbing, and scary facts that shed different lights on history… Let’s take a look… 1. Oh, my… “Genghis Khan’s army once defeated an opposing...

25 Teachers And Their Hilarious Classroom Signs

If you don’t know any teachers personally, I feel like you’re definitely missing out. They’re kind of hilarious, they’re great friends, and when they don’t have school the next day, they also really like to party. I don’t know how to convince you other than to show you the hilarious classroom signs these 25 teachers...

18 Teachers Recall The Worst Thing They Confiscated From A Student

I know more than my fair share of teachers, and I can tell you one thing for sure – they would rather be spending their time teaching and helping kids than taking things away from them. That said, kids will be kids and they will try to get away with what they can and push...