He Pretended He Didn’t Know His Fiancée When She Got Kicked Off of a Plane. Is He a Jerk?
Do I know you…? I don’t think I know you… Uh oh…this doesn’t sound good. But let’s get all the details and see if we think this guy acted like a total a**hole or if he was justified in his actions. Take a look and see for yourself! AITA for pretending not to know my...
12 People Share Who They Think Are the Most Evil Human Beings Alive Today
There’s no doubt about it, there are a lot of evil people in the world. Politicians, world leaders, criminals, scammers, outlaws, etc. They’re out there and the more people know about them, the better. So who are the most evil people still alive today? AskReddit users shared their thoughts about this. 1. Heard of him?...
14 People Share What They Think Will End With Millennials
Hey, Millennials aren’t gonna be around forever, you know… It’s true! But have you ever thought about what will go away when those folks aren’t around any longer? Here’s what folks had to say about this on AskReddit. 1. For real! “Memory of life without the Internet. I don’t think a lot of people appreciate...
She Changed Her Mind About Splitting the Cost of Their Vacation. Is She Wrong?
Do you think it’s cool to split the finances on vacations with other couples or do you think it just makes things too complicated? Or do you think you just shouldn’t go on vacation with other couples…? Either way, check out this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page and let us know if...
Who Is the Most Evil Person Alive? Here’s What People Had to Say.
If you had to pick one person in the world that you think is the most evil human being on the planet, who do you think you’d choose? A world leader? The head of a country? Someone on television who spreads untruths? A notorious criminal? You know this question will inspire some interesting answers! So...
13 People Talk About What We’re No Longer in the Golden Age Of
Let’s get real…we’re not in the Golden Age of a whole lot of things right now… But don’t take my word for it! Let’s see what folks said about this on AskReddit! 1. Yup. “Funny movies. Marvel-type movies k**led comedy, drying up the middle market. Every movie now is either a big budget franchise movie...
What Are We No Longer in the Golden Age Of? People Shared Their Thoughts.
If I had to offer my two cents, I’d say we’re NOT in the Golden Age of great entertainment. Yes, there is some good music and some good movies that come out here and there, but it sure seems pretty few and far between, right? Or maybe I’m just old…who knows? Let’s take a look...
Woman Asks if She’s a Jerk for Refusing to Fund Her Husband’s Vacation
Have you ever paid for someone else’s vacation? Like a vacation that you didn’t even go on? Yeah…me neither… So is this woman a jerk for refusing to fund her husband’s vacation while she recovers from surgery? Check out her story and let us know what you think. AITA for refusing to fund my husband’s...