
World Culture

She Told Her Mother-In-Law to Read Up on Basic Biology. Did She Go Too Far?

This sounds like a sick burn, don’t you think? But did it make this woman sound like an a**hole? Read the story she shared on Reddit and let us know what you think in the comments. AITA for telling my MIL that once she reads up on basic 6th grade biology, she’s free to give...

What Life-Changing Item Can You Buy for Under $100? People Responded.

I bought a sleep mask not too long ago and let me tell you, it’s a GAME-CHANGER. I sleep so much better now and I can’t even imagine going back to life without one. And, if I recall correctly, that baby only cost me about $12. Not bad! AskReddit users talked about the life-changing purchases...

12 People Talk About Life-Changing Items That Cost Under $100

Listen up, folks! Because today we’re going to hear about life-changing items that you can buy for under 100 bucks. Let’s take a look and maybe you’ll be inspired to buy some of these goodies! 1. Snoozin’. “A good pillow. I had trouble for months getting good sleep, brought a under pillow and a memory...

What Annoying Things Do People Revolve Their Entire Personalities Around? Here’s What Folks Said.

Oh, man, how much time you got, buddy? To each their own, of course, but I think we can all admit that there are a lot of annoying things that people revolve their entire personalities around. So let’s hear what AskReddit users had to say about this. Start now! 1. Not a good thing. “OCD....

Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Telling His Daughter He Won’t Pay For Her College if She Avoids Family Relationships

I’ve heard quite a few stories from people over the years about certain conditions they had to accept in order for their parents to pay their college tuition. And I guess that makes sense in specific situations. But this one is a little bit different and this father wants to know if he’s an a**hole...

She Blew up on a Customer Because He Had a Problem With Her Being a Woman. Is She Wrong?

It’s kind of crazy that people in this day and age think women aren’t qualified to do certain jobs…but you and I both know that it happens… And it probably happens a lot more than we’d like to admit… So was this woman wrong for blowing up at a customer? Check out this story and...

12 People Talk About Things That Are Legal That Shouldn’t Be

You know that this question is going to generate some interesting responses! No doubt about it! So what do you say we get started? What is legal that shouldn’t be? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. Annoying. “Equipment fees you can’t opt out of. Just let me buy the $80 box instead of charging me...

What’s Not a Religion but People Treat It Like One? Here’s How Folks Responded.

Well, this is gonna be a lively topic filled with interesting responses! I can just feel it! Because it seems like there are a lot of things out there these days that really do feel like religions because people are so obsessed with them. Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say… 1. Creepy....