12 People Talk About Jobs Where You Can Absolutely Not Screw Up at All
In my humble opinion, I think it would be TERRIFYING to be a surgeon or an astronaut or something like that. There’s way too much pressure! And you can’t screw up, which I am very good at… What’s a job you absolutely CAN NOT not screw up at? Check out what AskReddit users had to...
12 People Talk About Jobs They Think Are Underpaid Or Overpaid
I had a conversation with someone I know recently and she casually dropped how much money she makes and I was FLOORED. Really? I mean, good for her, but I had no idea that her job paid that kind of BIG money. Wow… What jobs do you think are underpaid or overpaid? Let’s see what...
12 People Admit What They’ve Slowly Lost All Respect For
One of the things I’ve realized about getting older is that I’ve lost respect for a lot of people and organizations I used to think were infallible. I guess you live and you learn, right…? What have you slowly lost respect for? Here’s how people on AskReddit answered that question. Let’s see what they had...
She Canceled a Girl’s Appointment the Day of Her Baby Shower. Is She Wrong?
Time is money, people! And this young woman knows that because she’s hustling as best she can every day and balancing work and school. So was she wrong when she canceled a girl’s appointment on the day of her baby shower? Read on to see what happened… AITA for canceling a girl’s appointment the day...
12 People Share Good Things That Are Happening in the World Right Now
You’d never know it by watching the news or reading things on social media, but there are actually a lot of great things going on in the world! No, really! And AskReddit users were nice enough to tell us about a bunch of them. Let’s take a look! 1. Less plastic would be great. “Scientists...
What Jobs Allow For Absolutely No Screw-Ups? Here’s What People Said.
Do you think you have what it takes to perform a high-stress job where you can’t mess up AT ALL? It definitely takes a certain personality to pull it off…and I’m NOT one of those people. Sure, I’ve worked in busy kitchens and worked long hours, but there’s no way I’d be able to be...
What Can a Dollar Get You in Your Country? Here’s What People Said.
A dollar doesn’t seem to go as far as it used to, does it? Not even close! But you can still get some things for a buck, right? AskReddit users talked about what a dollar can buy them in their country. Let’s take a look! 1. Gentle rocking… “Approximately 100 minutes of gentle rocking on...
Non-Americans, What’s the Best American Food? Here’s How People Responded.
I don’t really know what American foods non-Americans like the best, but I do know that they think the portions we dole out over here are HUGE. And they’re right about that… But today we’re gonna hear from foreign folks about what kind of American foods they like the best. Let’s see what they had...