
World Culture

People Talk About Weird Things That Came Out in Stores and Were Discontinued

Business is weird and trends come and go… And that means we see some strange products from time to time. I mean, remember Crystal Pepsi? What’s the weirdest thing that came out in stores that got discontinued? Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. Be very careful… “Lawn Darts. These were a...

People Share What They Still Would Never Buy Even if They Had a Billion Dollars

The things that some people with a lot of money choose to buy blow my mind. Gold-plated toilet paper rolls? Okay, if you say so… Check out what people on AskReddit would still never buy even if they had ONE BILLION DOLLARS. 1. Above the law. “I’m immediately canceling my auto insurance. Might be illegal,...

Person Asks if They’re Wrong for Telling Employee They Can Be Demoted or Fired

You got two choices…and neither of them are very good. Ouch…no one ever wants to hear that. But this business owner decided to take drastic acton when they told an employee they could either be demoted or fired. Did they go too far? Read on and tell us what you think. AITA for telling an...

This Person Asked if They’re Wrong for Telling People Their Dad Isn’t Paying Their Tuition

When it comes to whether or not parents are going to pay for their kids’ tuition, it can lead to some pretty hurt feelings. And this person shared their story on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page to see if they acted like a jerk for telling the truth about who was paying their tuition....

16 People Weigh In On Casual Flings At Work

I honestly thought that we had decided, across the board, that mixing business with pleasure wasn’t the best idea in the world. That said, I suppose some people enjoy playing with fire, or maybe it’s just that things happen and they can’t help themselves? Whatever it is, apparently there’s a difference of opinion out there...

Student Asks if They’re Wrong for Turning in a School Project That Shows Their Neighbors in a Bad Light

You never want to make your neighbors OR your neighborhood look bad, but what if it’s really the truth? This is the dilemma a student faced for a school project. Read their story to see if you think they acted like an a**hole. AITA for turning in a school project that showed my neighborhood and...

Photos of a University’s Classroom Compared to Its Football Locker Room Got People Talking

I went to a high school that was pretty crazy about its football program so it’s not too much of a shocker to me when I see stories about how much more seriously institutions take their sports teams as opposed to their actual education… And the number of resources they pour into them… But when...

Customer Roasts Antique Store For Selling a $9 Item for Over $200

I’m gonna go on the record right now and say that going to antique stores and thrift stores is NOT my thing. Not by a long shot… But a lot of people out there love spending their spare time and their weekends digging through discarded junk and treasures. And you know people who enjoy doing...