
World Culture

16 People Confess The More Corrupt Thing Their Employer Has Done

Most of us hope, I think, that we’re going to work every day for someone who does more good than evil in the world. The truth is, though, that the phrase “it’s not personal, it’s business” has stuck around for a reason. Many employers are out for themselves, but it can be a shocker to...

Is This Woman Wrong for Telling Her Lawyer He’s Spineless and Should Change Careers? People Responded.

I’ve never had to hire a lawyer before…and I hope I never do… But some people aren’t so lucky and they gotta do what they gotta do. But what happens when you get really ticked off at your lawyer because of their performance? Take a look at what happened in this story… AITA for calling...

What Trends Do You Really Despise? People Shared Their Thoughts.

I’ll tell you about a trend that I really can’t stand at all… INFLUENCER CULTURE. It drives me nuts! And I don’t think it has anything to do with the fact that I’m a little bit older: sometimes I talk to people in their twenties and even they think the whole thing is weird and...

18 Drill Sergeants Share The Funniest Recruit Comments They’ve Heard

I know there’s probably not a whole lot that’s amusing about joining the military. I’ve never done it, but in my mind, those first several weeks are probably some of the hardest of your life. That said, if you’re the sergeant in charge of all these young, green boys you’re tasked with turning into men,...

This Map Shows What People Think Is the Worst City in Each State

This chart is sure to cause some serious conversations and disagreements among people out there. It comes to us via Matt Shirley, who makes a new chart on his Instagram page every day. Here are some past examples of charts he’s come up with in the past. https://www.instagram.com/p/B37wwZoH5pV/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Sxe41H4Ih/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Qjm6uH6JH/ To create “The Worst City...

Times When Americans Weren’t Exactly the Best and Brightest

The best and the brightest: that’s what the USA is all about, right? Well, not so fast, friends. I used to feel that way, too, but then I saw the kinds of posts that you’re about to feast your eyes on…and it ain’t pretty. Let’s take a look at some Americans who said some really...

People Debate Whether Or Not It’s Cool To Discuss Salaries At Work

There’s been a push lately that’s related to a larger discussion around equal pay, and it suggests that there’s too much secrecy around how much people make for the same or similar jobs. Until now, salary has been one of those things people are trained to keep to themselves, because it’s personal or they don’t...

13 People Talk About Terrible Products That Sell by the Millions

Have you ever spent your hard-earned money on a product that is really popular and once you got it home you realized it was terrible? That drives me nuts! And I bet you’re not much of a fan of that experience either, are you? And we both know that it happens all the time… People...