11 Students Get Real About The Super Stressors At School
The world has changed quite a bit in the past quarter century, and while school was never exactly a walk in the park or something most people could coast through, I don’t recall it consuming my life the way it does with young people today. If you don’t have kids or yours are still little,...
She Got Kicked Out of Sunday School at Church. Did She Go Too Far?
Ahh, this brings back some memories of getting the boot from religious education classes when I was young. Let’s just say that my parents weren’t exactly thrilled when this happened…more than once. But enough about me! Is this teenage girl an a**hole for getting kicked out of Sunday School? Let’s see what’s going on here!...
This Mom Asked if She’s Wrong for Funding One Daughter’s Master’s Degree but Not Another’s Medical School Education
To fund or not to fund…that is the question… Well, at least it’s the question in this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page. So, just what the heck is going on here? Read on to get all the details… AITA for funding one of my daughter’s masters but not the other’s med school?...
He Went on a Trip With His Family That His Wife Isn’t Going On. Is He a Jerk?
You don’t mind if I take off and go on a trip, do you honey? Uh oh…I don’t think this is gonna end well… But did this guy act like an a**hole? Check out his story below and see what you think. AITA for going a on trip with my family that my wife isn’t...
10 Kids Talk About The Pressure They Feel At School
If you’ve got kids – or even if you don’t – there’s a good chance you’ve heard about increased rates of bullying and suicide among young people in the United States. One of the reasons for this is the increased pressure at school, and to hear these 10 kids talk about it, it’s hard to...
She Asked Her Mom Not to Invite Her Friend to Her Graduation Trip to Japan. Is She a Jerk?
I’m not really sure what the mom in this story is thinking, but it sounds a little fishy to me… And apparently, her daughter isn’t too thrilled with this plan, either! Check out her story below and let us know if you think she’s acting like an a**hole. AITA for asking my mom not to...
Is This Woman Wrong for Keeping Her Headscarf On? People Responded.
I think I know how most people are going to react to this story, but I could be wrong… Because you never know what’s in store for you with stories from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page! Check out what this woman had to say and let us know what you think in the comments....
She Asked Her Husband to Stop Waking up Early to Exercise on Vacation. Is She Wrong?
Some people are never 100% on vacation… And that could mean that they can’t stop working or, in this case, they stick to their usual routine and get up early to exercise. So did this woman act like a jerk by asking her husband to stop waking up early to exercise on vacation? Check out...