

Should People Who Catch Balls at Games and Don’t Give Them to Kids Be Shamed? People Responded.

Hmmmm, this is a tricky one… On one hand, I can totally understand the logic behind always giving a ball away to a kid seated near you if you’re lucky enough to catch one. On the other hand, some people go their whole lives being die-hard fans and always waiting for their moment in the...

18 Vintage Wrestling Memes for When You’re Feeling Nostalgic

Sweaty bodies flying through the air. Flashy costumes. Muscular men putting other muscular men into intricate chokeholds, or flipping them onto the arena floor. The truth is, I’ve never watched pro wrestling in my life, but now that I’ve seen these 18 vintage wrestling memes, I want to. If you’re a long-time fan of pro...

Breakdancing Will Be an Olympic Sport Starting in 2024

Okay, who’s ready to kick off this new year with some good news? Because we definitely all need it… I know I do! So let’s get down to business! As a child of the 1980s, I’m here to tell you that breakdancing was HOT HOT HOT when I was a kid, mostly thanks to a...

12 Memes Guaranteed to Make You Crack a Smile

Hey now, why so glum? Feeling blue? Angry at the world? Let’s take a moment to decompress. Sometimes self-care looks like taking five deep breaths. Sometimes it looks like yoga. And sometimes it looks like memes. If you’re looking for a lift, these 12 memes just might make you crack a smile. 1. What marks...

People Talk About Whether Kids Who Are Good at Sports or Excel in Academics Deserve Scholarships More

At the high school I went to, if you were good at basketball or football, you were THE MAN. You got all the breaks and everyone in the building, including the teachers, heaped praise on you. And some of them even got to go to college on scholarships to play sports. And there were plenty...

17 Sport Stats That Many Fans Don’t Know

Sports fans love stats. They love them, but here’s the thing: what one person finds interesting and obscure and mind-blowing, someone else will shrug off as whatever. No matter what sport is your favorite, though, there’s no arguing that these 17 stats are completely insane. 17. A long and storied career. There might never be another that...

People Are Sharing Their Favorite Sports’ Facts That Seriously Impressed Them

Even as a sports fan, I sometimes check out when someone starts spouting stats. What’s interesting to one fan might not be so to another, and vice versa, right? What's your favorite random sports stat that blows your mind every time you see it? — Peter Burns (@PeterBurnsESPN) July 1, 2020 While that’s true, I...

Why Lefties Are Sometimes Called “Southpaws”

Left-handed people are endlessly fascinating to me. Why are there so few of them? Why are they so proud of something they randomly inherited? We may not be able to answer all of those questions today, but if you’re curious about why they’re called “southpaws,” we may have something for you. View this post on...