
When Did a Feeling of “We Need to Get Out of Here Now” Save You? Here’s How People Responded.

Sometimes in life, our instincts can get us out of some pretty hairy situations. You get an uneasy feeling in your stomach, the hair on your neck stands up, and you just know that the dread you’re experiencing means it’s time to leave. Have you ever had a gut feeling that told you to leave...

People Share What Improved Their Lives So Much That They Wish They Would’ve Started Earlier

We all have thoughts like this. When I look back at how much time I didn’t exercise in college and in my 20s, I totally regret it. Because I love it now and, obviously, it’s important and good for you. But, we live and we learn, right? In this article, AskReddit users reveal the things that...

People Talk About What They Didn’t Realize Was Expensive Until They Became Adults

I remember the first time I had to replace the timing belt and the water pump in my car…let’s just say I was on the verge of tears…because that ain’t a cheap fix… My point in telling that story is that you don’t have any idea how expensive some things are until you really start...

If You Think You Know What Happened In Waco…Think Again

In 1993, the FBI raided the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX where they believed religious leader David Koresh was leading a cult and abusing children in the process. Over 70 people died, an unavoidable tragedy that resulted from the cult members choosing to take an armed stand instead of surrendering to authorities. Or at...

11-Year-Old Boy Becomes the Youngest Person to Run a Half-Marathon in All 50 States

Aiden Jaquez is just 11 years old, but he’s already successfully run a half marathon — 50 times. Aiden is the youngest person ever to run a half marathon in every single state. He finished accomplishing his goal on the 20th of October, when he completed the IMT Des Moines half marathon in Iowa. The...

6 Interesting Habits Dogs Pick Up From Their Owners, According to Experts

I’m sure you’ve heard people say that pet owners kind of start to look like their animals after a time, the same way spouses start to resemble each other after they’ve been married for awhile. I think it’s just that we start to really get the other person (or animal) and so we naturally adopt...

A Meteorologist Called His Kids While on the Air When He Realized a Tornado Was Headed Right for His Home

Moms and dads are gonna be moms and dads first and foremost, even if they have to interrupt their jobs to do it. And a meteorologist in the Washington, D.C. area named Doug Kammerer didn’t hesitate to call his children when he was on live TV when he realized that a tornado was heading straight...

10 Books That Are So Good People Literally Can’t Put Them Down

I read a lot. I’ve been a voracious reader since I was a young child and had to beg my mom for new books, and even so, in my entire life, I’ve only read perhaps a dozen books that I would classify as “unputdownable.” Those books you’d ignore your chores over, the ones you’d call...

16 People Reflect on Harsh Truths That Humans Refuse to Accept

Life is hard and it has a habit of knocking you down over and over again. But the trick is to keep getting back up, right? Damn right! Still, there are many things in life that people have a hard time dealing with. What’s a harsh truth that humans refuse to accept? Let’s see how...

Man Explains How the Stock Market Works in a Way Everyone Will Understand

Ever think about investing, but too nervous to get started? Seems easy enough. You buy some shares at the lowest price you think you can get. Then watch as the value of your shares soar and you get rich. But there’s some stuff in between the buying and the getting rich part that’s a little...

15 Funny Screenshots of Autocorrect Text Messages

Want an important piece of life advice? Autocorrect IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. In fact, it’s your enemy. So be careful…your well-being might just depend on it. Here are 15 examples of how bad the dreaded it can be… 1. Might want to end this now View post on imgur.com 2. Children nuggets This is the...

Guy Tries To Sneak A Fat Cat On A Plane, Gets Punished

There are circumstances when a person can legally bring an animal on a flight. Some airlines allow you to fly with your pet, either in the cabin or as checked baggage. All airlines are required to allow service animals to fly with their disabled humans. But in all circumstances, there are specific rules that apply,...

How Can You Tell Us Your Age Without Actually Telling Us Your Age? People Responded.

Here’s how I’d answer this question: I was still a young boy when the Chicago Bears last won the Super Bowl. So now you know just about how old I am, right? How would you tell someone how old you are without ACTUALLY telling them? Here’s how folks on AskReddit responded to that question. 1....

7 Cool Facts to Stick in Your Thinking Cap

Here are some delightful facts to wow you and make you sit and ponder the universe. What are you waiting for?!? Keep reading! 1. I want Samson! 2. Do the worm 3. Whatever works 4. We could all use some of these 5. Do you fit the bill? 6. Don’t show your cards, fellas 7....