
Posts by Emma Carter

Symbolic Artwork and 10 Other Details From Pixar Movies That Made Us Tear Up

At this point, I’m fully prepared to cry when I sit down for a Pixar movie. It’s just part of the experience. We all know it’s true. Pixar promises three things: 1) real, humanized characters dealing with 2) real, relatable issues in a 3) fully fleshed out, detailed world. That said, I hope you’re ready...

You and 7 Friends Can Rent a Cabin on the Beautiful Ranch Where ‘Yellowstone’ Is Filmed

Are you a Yellowstone fan? Wish you escape to the Dutton Ranch for a weekend? You can! Just book a stay at the Chief Joseph Ranch. Yellowstone, Paramount Network’s TV series starring Kevin Costner, follows the life of a family living on the largest contiguous ranch in the United States, just outside Yellowstone National Park....

15 Times People Reacted in Totally Different and Hilarious Ways

It’s funny how two different people can have vastly different perspectives about the same exact thing. Some people see the class as half empty, some see it as half full, and sometimes these two different perspectives juxtaposition each other perfectly. Take for instance these 15 times people reacted in a totally different and hilarious way....

Kellogg’s Releases Unicorn and Mermaid Waffles That Taste Like Cotton Candy and Blue Raspberry

Attention breakfast lovers: Kelloggs released unicorn waffles that taste like cotton candy, and and mermaid waffles that taste like blue-raspberry. (Yes, blue is a flavor.) This is not a drill! Mythical creatures continue to trend, and Kelloggs in’t going to miss the bandwagon. These waffles look perfect for the parent whose kids love all thing...

11 Memes That Will Make You Realize How Long Ago 2000 Actually Was

There once was a time when people listened to music on their CD players, Facebook didn’t exist yet and children didn’t own phones. You remember right? Ah, the early 2000s. It was a simpler time. But time marches on, whether we’re ready for it or not. If you remember the 2000s, these 2000s memes might make...

11 2000s Memes That Are Almost Too Real

This one is for those of you who grew up in the early 2000s. What a time, am I right? Before there was Facebook, there was Myspace. Before there were iPhones, there were flip phones, and before there was a Switch, there was the Sims. If you didn’t live it, you won’t get it. But...

Turn Your iPhone Photos Into Stickers With Polaroid’s New Mobile Printer

These days most of us almost exclusively use our phones to take pictures. How many people do you know who actually own a camera for everyday use? (Outside of professional photographers.) We use our phones to take pictures of our babies, pets, the food we eat, ourselves—but how often do we turn these digital pictures...

10 Adorable Cat Memes That Will Have You Feline Fine

Cats are the best. Period. Dogs? Yeah, dogs are cool, but CATS? There’s nothing better. When I’m having a bad day, nothing makes me feel better than going home to cuddle with my cat. But not everyone is lucky be the keeper of a fabulous feline. For those who are cat-free or (god forbid) allergic...

11 Purrfect Memes for Cat Owners

Cats are the best. And the worst. It’s a double edged sword. On the one hand: cute widdle toe beans, fuzzy wuzzy faces, that hypnotic purr. On the other hand: say goodbye to having plants, prepare to have everything knocked off the shelves, and get used to having your ankles attacked at any given moment....

This Epic Ant-Man Meme Sums up All the Horrors of 2020 So Far

2020. Man. What a year. You know. You’ve lived it. Unless you’re reading this article from the future? In which case, pull up a chair. Grab some popcorn, maybe pop a Xanax, and make yourself comfortable. Get ready for the ride of your life, folks. This epic Ant-Man meme attempts to cover all of the...

Customized Pizza Toppings and 11 Other Small Details From Pixar Movies You Might Have Missed

There are plenty of reasons to love Pixar movies. They’re always visually stimulating, with heartfelt, character-driven storylines that are sure to make you laugh and cry. But Pixar also has a reputation for being incredibly detailed. Not just with how they design characters, but how they make the world their characters inhabit so real. From...

Orchid and 8 Other Words With Surprisingly Risqué Origins

Unless you’re an etymologist, I doubt you spend your days thinking about the history and evolution of language. With bills to pay, errands to run, and work to get done we don’t all have the time to consider how and why our language has evolved over the centuries. However, some words are worth taking the...

10 People Who Can Claim They Are Having the Absolute Worst Day

Sometimes, when we’re talking about our problems with a group of friends or coworkers, we fall into the dangerous habit of comparing our pain. Not only that, we might even try to one-up one another with who is actually suffering the most. This is a silly exercise. Everyone is dealing with something, and everyone’s something...

11 People Who Are Having a Far Worse Day Than You

Everybody has bad days. You spill your coffee in the car. You leave your phone in the gas station restroom. There’s not a single parking space in sight. If this sounds like the kind of day you’re having, I’m sorry to hear that, but I’d like to offer you a bit of comfort: it could...

14 “How It Started” vs. “How It’s Going” Memes to Inspire Your Journey

It’s important to remember where we come from. Knowing where we’ve been helps us keep perspective when we take a look at where we are today. The “How It Started” vs. “How It’s Going” or “How it Ended” meme has been one of the most popular trends of the year. It started as a way...