
Posts by Ingrid Cruz

15 Servers Reveal the Craziest Orders They’ve Ever Dealt With

Servers put up with a lot of unsavory situations. From people who refuse to tip, to messy customers, to unsympathetic supervisors, we all owe them a great debt just for being patient and kind even when we don’t deserve it. Once in a while though, people also order some strange things. One Redditor asked how they...

Here’s Why Typing Classes Changed the Course of History Forever

We take our ability to type for granted because there are so many devices that have keyboard interfaces on them. And for good reason! We literally type almost all day long at most of our jobs. And that’s why it’s no surprise to learn that typing classes were once a big deal. It’s hard to...

Someone Built This Awesome ‘Cat Capsule Hotel’ out of Plastic Jars for Her Seven Beloved Felines

Though cats can be ambivalent about their humans, we know that humans love their cats. Claire Luvcat is just one of the many humans that’s doled on her beloved kitties. Claire is the cat-mom of seven beautiful cats called the CreamHeroes and she decided to build them a capsule “hotel” so they can have a cute...

Here Are 15 Solitary Activities That Can Help You Feel Less Lonely

In our new era, social distancing is the norm and millions are figuring out how to pass the time. Learning to love your own company is an essential skill. One Reddit user posed the question: “Reddit, what is a wholesome, solitary activity that a person can do to help forget how awful and poor their...

15 Airline Employees Talk About Some of the Secrets of the Trade

Is there any industry that is more maligned or misunderstood than the airline industry? From charges to check in a bag to no leg space, traveling can be cumbersome and nearly impossible to handle at times. Thankfully, many airline workers are willing and able to share some juicy, interesting, and even gross industry secrets. One...

15 People Share Things That Make You Look Suspicious If You Own Too Many of Them

The United States is famous for stores such as Costco and Sam’s Club, which allow people to buy items in bulk and save money. Often hailed as a great financial move, there is such a thing as too much of something good. Everything in moderation, right? One Reddit thread posed an important question about owning bulk...

Teachers Have a Tough And Important Job. They Deserve Recognition For It. But We Sure Don’t Treat Them That Way.

Teachers ensure that children get the education they need, and they have a tough job to do. Sadly, data shows that teachers are leaving the profession. Upworthy explains a few reasons why this may be the case: “At the root of the problem, the Times reports, are the massive layoffs that happened during the economic...

Speechwriter’s Thread Explains How World Leaders Can Get People to Pitch in Against COVID-19

COVID19 has fueled a pandemic, and this means countries all over the world have to cooperate. Flattening the curve requires as many people to cooperate as possible. That’s why it’s vital that leaders inspire people around them to collaborate for the good of humanity. Speechwriter Simon Lancaster wrote a thread explaining one acronym world leaders...

This Amazing Book Arch Took One Month to Finish!

Sandman Books is a small independent bookstore with a creative owner/manager! The store gets a lot of books they can’t use or sell. The owner told Bored Panda: “I own an independent bookstore and receive lots of books that are simply at the end of their lives. Old investment books from before the financial crash,...

Raku Inoue Makes Beautiful Portraits of Animals Using Flowers

We often think of art as simply drawing, painting, and graphic design, but there’s more to it. Raku Inoue is an artist that uses flowers for his work. These usually consist of animal portraits. These are delicate portraits that give us a different way to see these beautiful creatures. 15. This Beautiful Spring Beetle The...

20 People Share Things That Only Exist Because of Sheer Stupidity

It’s a given that some people are smarter and have more common sense. There are also some reasons why some people may not always comprehend warnings so easily that have nothing to do with their intelligence—that’s not what we’re talking about here. Redditors went on record to discuss things that only exist because of people’s stupidity....

People Are Getting Creative With Their Coronavirus Safety And Social Distancing Measures

The coronavirus, or COVID-19, has spread to many countries all over the world. Governments are urging citizens to stay home, and some countries are on lockdown. Common advice includes frequently washing one’s hands (and for a minimum of 20 seconds), not touching one’s face or eyes, and staying indoors to prevent transmission. People are changing...

Here Are 15 Songs You Can Sing While Washing Your Hands for 20 Seconds

Pandemic or not, properly washing your hands is crucial to preventing infections and illnesses. The thing is, the coronavirus has heightened awareness of why this is so. The reality is that most people probably wash their hands improperly, but some people have taken it upon themselves to make handwashing fun for all. Check out these...

Doctor’s Post Explains What You Need to Know About N95 Masks

Yes, covering coronavirus 24/7 seems like overkill, but there are some good people out there doing awesome work to make sure we all stay safe. By now, you may have seen memes, videos, and other social media posts about how to prevent getting sick. Leora Horwitz is a medical professional who took it upon herself...

Tumblr Thread Points Out Strange But Fun Historical Facts

It’s always strange to learn new historical facts you thought couldn’t possibly be true. Young children are often surprised to find out that some people believed the Earth was flat, and adults are often surprised to know there are some people who still believe this. One Tumblr thread dedicated itself to pointing out historical facts...