11 Things No One Warned You Were True About Adulthood
There are too many things to count, really, if we’re talking about things we believed about adulthood that turned out to be wrong – or the crappy parts of being grown up that everyone fails to tell you. I don’t know what the secrecy is all about, because most people aren’t going to opt out,...
14 “Truth Facts” That Are Painfully True
People and their experiences are unique enough that there really are no “universal truths,” per se. That said, there are truths that apply to the majority of people with human DNA, but pinning those down can be pretty tough. Unless you’re Instagram account @truthfactsofficial, because every single graphic they post seems to be right on, at...
11 Funny Thoughts From Parents Of Teens
I’m starting to realize that there is no easy stage of parenting. There are some that will suit you better, probably, and some that are inherently more adorable than others, but overall, each stage has it’s ups and downs. When it comes to parenting teens, the best way I’ve heard it described is “bigger kids,...
18 of the Best Names We’ve Seen on Petfinder
If you’re someone who has adopted a dog, cat, or other animal from a shelter, there’s a good chance you’ve used Petfinder.com. It basically lets you sort through all of the shelter pets in a certain target area, and let’s you filter by type, age, breed, whatever. You’ve probably also noticed that shelters tend to...
14 Posts That Point Out The Hilarious Truths About Adulting
If there’s one single thing that’s true about being an adult, I think it’s that no one is really an adult. We’re all faking it, just walking around pretending we know what we’re doing when in reality, we have no idea. These 14 people think they know a few other things about being an adult,...
15 Hilariously Accurate “Truth Facts” That Apply To Almost Everyone
I’m betting that you clicked on this article because you love charts and graphs, and let me tell you, I could not agree more. They are awesome on principle, but a graph that applies across the board? Color me intrigued. If you’re intrigued, too, you’re going to love these 15 accurate graphs from Instagram account...
18 People Recommend Movies They’ve Watched At Least Five Times
I honestly thought that watching movies over and over again was a normal thing to do, even after one left toddlerhood behind – because if I was going to make a list of movies I’ve seen at least five times, it would be pretty long. And let’s be honest, not all of them could technically...
These Kids Had Some Hilarious One-Liners We Had To Share
Anyone who has kids can tell you, for sure, how funny they can be. Sometimes they’re trying, sometimes it’s just a happy accident, but those moments when your children make your family burst out with laughter are some of the sweetest ones we get. These 11 kids landed some seriously funny one-liners – and they...
15 Hilarious (And Fake) Bad Customer Reviews
One of the great things about customer ratings on apps is that it can save other people time and energy, and occasionally a terrible meal or even worse service. Then again, if you’re a business owner you know all too well that there are multiple reasons people might leave a negative review, and not all...
Should This Mother Have Given Up Her Beloved Engagement Ring To Her Soon To Be Daughter-In-Law?
Family dynamics can certainly be complicated, and those awkward moments and uncertain interactions only grow as more and more people are added to your family. This woman was thrilled to hear that her son and his longtime girlfriend had decided to get married, but when they came to announce it, her son also asked if...
17 Teachers Talk About the Student Who Changed Their Perspective on Teaching
Teaching is one of those professions that takes at least as much as it gives, and there are as many tough days as rewarding ones – though sometimes those show up at the same time. These 17 teachers are sharing the students who challenged them in ways they didn’t expect, and who changed their outlook...
16 of the Best Passive-Aggressive Posts Around
You know, when we were younger people used the term “passive aggressive” like it was a bad thing, but hear me out – even if it’s not the best thing ever, it’s better than aggressive-aggressive, right? You don’t have to take my word for it – scroll through these 16 tweets and tell me if...
What’s Your Most Wholesome Secret? People Responded.
I really wish I was more like the following people… Well, it’s not just about me. What kind of world would we have if more people acted like this? Oh world… please read this and change immediately. Or at least consider changing a little bit. Okay, glad we got that settled. On to the stories!...
35 People Share Stories About Random Acts of Kindness
Performing an act of kindness for someone you don’t know at all can be very powerful. Once you read these 19 stories from people who are sharing the one act of kindness from a stranger that changed their life, you’ll understand just how powerful it can really be. It’s always important to remember that you...
29 Medical Professionals Share Stories About When They Knew a Baby Wasn’t the Father’s
Nobody is perfect. And that’s definitely true of all of us. Sometimes, people find out about their partner’s intense imperfections in a really terrible way. These stories from medical professionals about delivering babies that obviously aren’t related to the “dad” in the room are truly wild! Enjoy! 1. Everyone thought her mom cheated. Okay I...