
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

Did Mom Go Too Far Getting Teacher Fired Over Some “Stupid Snacks”?

Anytime I see an Ask Reddit that starts with a question about getting someone fired, I’m always ready to pull out my a$$hole card. Times are tough, and no matter what went down, getting someone fired sounds like a Karen move. We’re gonna hear this woman out, though, because it involves her daughter with diabetes,...

Was This Woman Wrong For Letting A Teen Neighbor Spend The Night In Jail?

The older we get, the more we learn how hard it can be to get along with our neighbors. There are simply too many types of personalities in the world, and when it comes to who moves in next to us, we just get no say most of the time. This woman learned the hard...

18 People Share What They Think Are The Best Plot Twists In Film

There are all kinds of movies out there, which is great, because all kinds of people go to the movies. Not only that, but it can depend on the day and our mood when we pick a film what sort of movie we’re really up for, you know? That said, most of us enjoy a...

16 People Share The Things That Have Happened In Their Lives That No One Believes

As a writer, I can tell you this – there are actual, real things that happened in the world that would never make it past an editor. They would call it too unbelievable for fiction, and that no one was going to buy it. But…it happened! Here are 16 people those things happened to, and they’re here...

How A Missing Girl Used Something She Learned On TikTok To Save Her Life

Most of us will go our entire lives without being kidnapped or otherwise taken against our will. That said, it’s the reality for some of us, and until it happens to you there’s no way to know which side of the line you’re on – and that’s why having a plan, being prepared, is always the...

10 Actors Who Don’t Remember Filming Their Most Iconic Roles

It seems like common sense that if there’s a role or a performance that the public will never forget, that experience must be the same for the actor or actress who played it, too, right? Oddly, this isn’t the case. There are several reasons behind these performers’ amnesia, but there’s no arguing that these 10...

Doctors Say You Probably Don’t Need To Worry About “iPhone Pinky”

Listen, there are a lot of ailments that people come up with today that wouldn’t have been applicable 50 years ago…or even 30 years ago, for that matter – because they’re all related to technology. I don’t know how much time you’ve spent considering how you hold your smartphone while you scroll and type with...

13 Tweets That Are Free Of Controversy But Full Of Laughs

I’ll be the first one to admit that sometimes when I log onto the internet, I’m there looking for a fight. A good argument, something to really work out my rage, that kind of thing – and let’s be honest, it’s easy to find. Most days, though, I just want to laugh at silly cats...

12 Tweets You Can Just Relax And Enjoy

Here’s our promise to you: nothing in these 12 tweets is going to rile you up, increase your blood pressure, or have you texting your bff for a good rant session about the deplorable state of the world. You can trust that these tweets are funny but not controversial, and honestly, most days I feel...

Just 12 Funny Tweets We Really Enjoyed

If you see a post online – no matter the social network – there’s a good change you copy the image or the “share” link and paste it in a text message to a friend. Right now, TikTok videos are my main love language, if we’re being honest. We consider all of you friends, so...

10 Tweets We’re Sure Will Be Good For A Laugh

I almost started this article by asking if you’re in the mood for a laugh today, but honestly, who isn’t in the mood for a laugh everyday!? Laughter is the best medicine and all of that, and there are actual studies that smiling to make yourself happy actually makes you happy – so let’s read through some...

18 People Muse On Who Should Represent Humans During An Alien Invasion

Have you ever sat and thought about how an alien invasion might go down? Would they just blow us up? Would we all become mindless slaves? Would we have to fight back like in the big disaster movies? What if they demanded to talk to a representative from the human race? Sadly, I think we...

16 People Nominate Their Choice To Represent Humanity To The Aliens

I think we all kind of assume that we’re going to encounter alien life at some point in the future (if we haven’t already), but there are about a dozen ways that meeting could go down. If the aliens showed up all peaceful like, though, and just asked for a meeting, who should we send?...

16 “Interesting Gardening” Pictures That Are Way Undersold

When I think that something is “interesting,” I typically use the term as a a mild expression of, well…interest. Not for things that are totally cool and, in some cases, mind blowing. These pictures from the gardening subreddit are more than interesting, if you ask me. Some are amazing, some are soothing, but they’re all...

15 Gardens You Have To See To Believe

I don’t know about you, but I love plants. I can’t grow them for crap, but I sure wish I could, because there’s nothing that feels better in the warmer months than getting your fingers a little bit dirty. These people definitely can grow things, though – green thumbs abound and I’m super jealous –...