15 People Discuss What They Can’t Believe Folks Really Like
You really like that? Really?!?! Okay, it’s your life…but I think you’re making a big mistake! Now that we’ve listened to my inner dialogue, let’s hear from AskReddit users about what they can’t believe people really like. Take a look! 1. Very weird. “People who are enamored by currently incarcerated m**derers. The fact that people...
She Caused Some of Her Teenage Sister-In-Law’s Books to Be Confiscated. Did She Go Too Far?
I’m not trying to influence anyone’s opinion here, but this woman sounds like a bit of a bummer. A Debbie Downer. A buzzk**l. But that’s just my two cents. Check out her story below and see if you think this woman was out of line for what she did. AITA for causing my mother-in-law to...
Learn More About The Woman Who Inspired The Class “Island Of The Blue Dolphins” Book
I was a reader as a child. No one had to force me to read, and in fact, I probably ran through a good portion of my parents’ monthly “fun” budget keeping me in books. As I grew, my palate expanded and a love for history was born – largely through books like Island of the...
15 People Share the Things They’re Tired of Other Folks Trying to Convince Them Is Great
I’m not gonna name any names, but it seems like there are 3 or 4 musical artists these days that people try to convince everyone are great. And you know what? I’m not really into them. It’s just my personal opinion, but I’m tired of hearing about them! What are you tired of hearing is...
What Is Awesome and Will Always Be Awesome? People Shared Their Thoughts.
There are certain things that are just awesome and will always be awesome. I’m talking about certain bands, certain celebrities, and certain styles. Picture James Dean in your head and you’ll get an idea of what I’m talking about… What do you think is awesome and will always be awesome? Folks on AskReddit shared their...
15 People Talk About What They Think Has Always Been Awesome and Always Will Be
In my humble opinion, some things are just timeless and awesome. Ford Mustangs from the 1960s, The Ramones, Converse All-Stars, the list goes on and on. But everyone has their own thoughts about this kind of stuff, so let’s hear what AskReddit users think is awesome and will ALWAYS be awesome. 1. What a rush!...
13 People Talk About Who They Think Had the Biggest Fall From Grace in History
People of a certain age don’t remember what kind of reputation O.J. Simpson had before his life came crashing down in 1994. But the fact was that he was seen in the public eye as a great athlete who was friendly and positive and he appeared in all kinds of movies and commercials. It’s funny...
If There Was a Vote for One Person to Receive Immortality, Who Would Win? People Responded.
It’s inevitable: we all pass away and no one can live forever… But today we’re going to have a little fun and imagine what life would be like if ONE and only ONE person could receive immortality. Who would you vote for? Check out what AskReddit users said about this. 1. Bad boss. “My old...