These 11 Movies Might Have Failed Financially, But People Love Them Anyway
Hollywood studios might have to judge a movie’s success or failure based on how much money they rake in when everything shakes out, but audiences don’t have such strict standards. And if creatives know one thing for sure, there’s no accounting for taste – people like all kinds of “bad” movies for reasons of their...
13 Movies That Bombed but Not in Fans’ Hearts
There are many ways to judge a movie’s success or failure, and only one of them has to do with box office receipts. Like with all creative media, it’s impossible for the studios and powers that be to guess, with 100% accuracy, what’s going to resonate with audiences. Not to mention that there are plenty...
10 Actors Whose Live-Action Characters Look Just Like The Cartoons
More and more live action versions of old (and not so old) cartoons are being made, and I have to think casting departments are working overtime to find the perfect actor to bring those beloved favorite characters to life. These 10 actors really nailed it, though, and I have to think it’s more about the...
12 Celebrities Whose Animated Counterparts Are Dead Ringers
There are more and more animated shows that are finding success with adult audiences – The Simpsons paved the way, of course, but since then shows like South Park, Archer, and more recently, Bojack Horseman, have also delighted grown ups! It’s always interesting to see the actors behind the voices, and sometimes, they even look a bit like the...
People Talk About “The Next Big Things” That Totally Flopped
Do you remember Crystal Pepsi? How about Zima? There are tons and tons of products, people, and random other stuff that are supposed to be “the next big thing” that just don’t quite work out. But it’s fun to look back on them! Folks on AskReddit talked about things that were supposed to be a...
These Are the Top 25 Highest-Grossing Romcoms of All Time
I don’t know about you, but I love a good romantic comedy. There’s something so familiar and comforting about the formula, and the promise that there’s going to be a happy ending. That’s the way we like it – some endearing characters, a fun setup, some laughs, and then the payoff we’ve all been craving...
People Share Their Thoughts About What Has an Undeserved Bad Reputation
In the world we live in, some things that aren’t necessarily all that bad get dragged through the mud. And that can be a real bummer…but it happens…A LOT. What has a totally undeserved bad reputation? Let’s see what people on AskReddit had to say about this. 1. Going nuclear. “Nuclear energy. Not only does...
People Share What They Think Is Cool Now, but Won’t Be in 5 Years
Things come and go in a hurry. Trends of all kinds are here one day and then gone tomorrow…some of that is good and some is bad. But it’s just the way it is… What’s cool now but won’t be in five years? Here’s how AskReddit users responded. 1. Tired of them yet? “Zoom calls....