What Is Something Awesome You Recently Learned About? Here’s What People Said.
We should all strive to be open books. What do I mean by that, you ask? Well, I mean that we should all try to be life-long learners. Because knowledge is power and we should never stop trying to fill our heads with all kinds of information about all kinds of subjects! It’s good for...
12 People Offer Advice About What Career Paths People Might Want to Avoid
For a lot of us, our career paths were NOT a straight line from Point A to Point B. We’ve meandered and gone through a bunch of different industries and jobs while we figured out what ultimately worked for us. It’s a sign of the times as well. It seems like the days of working...
People Talk About What Career Paths They Think Others Should Definitely Avoid
Figuring out what to do with your life is one of the hardest things that most of us have to deal with. Some people just know from a very young age that they want to be a lawyer, a doctor, a garbage man, etc. But for a lot of people, the path to finding a...
People Recall the Worst Tattletales They Ever Met in School
Never tell on anyone! I can’t tell you how many times my older siblings said that to me when I was growing up. And it turned out to be good advice because, as we all learned in school, if you get the reputation of a tattletale, you’re not gonna end up having many friends. Or...
15 People Share the Best Memories They Have From Going to School
Remember your school daze? I sure do…well, I remember some of them, at least. When I look back now, it all seems like it was so much fun and I was having a great time. Of course, I really don’t know if that’s the truth, because there were quite a few days I recall absolutely...
People Talk About Their Favorite Memories From Going to School
I guess we all tend to look at the past through rose-colored glasses…at least a little bit. When I look back on my school days, especially high school, it seems like it was all fun and games and having a blast with my friends. But I know that, in reality, certain days were really difficult...
What Are Some Jobs Where You Can’t Make a Mistake? Here’s What People Said.
Don’t blow it! I’ve definitely heard that before when I’ve been working, but it’s never been anything so important that an error would result in a huge accident…or death… But some jobs really are like that! What are some jobs where you absolutely can’t make a mistake? Let’s take a look at what folks on...
People Talk About Jobs Where You Absolutely Can’t Make a Mistake
I take my hats off to the following folks: doctors, surgeons, nurses, pilots, truck drivers, scientists…any many more. Why? Because they have incredibly important jobs where people literally depend on them to keep them safe and alive. And, when you think about it, there are a lot of jobs out there where the person really...