
Posts by Ingrid Cruz

People Are Talking About All The Strange Stuff Trees Do That We Don’t

We all know that it’s soothing to look at nature and that some trees are just more unique than others. One Tumblr thread discussed the wonders of trees. The conversation began with a person who posted a picture of an unusual group of trees. It later got darker as people started divulging more facts, eventually...

15 Innovative Uses for Everyday Products You Take for Granted

If there’s a problem, you can google a solution for it or log onto the Reddit and crowd-source some answers. An AskReddit thread posed the following question, and found pretty good lifehacks! “What are some lesser-known secondary uses for an everyday product?” You’d be surprised at what you can do with things like salt, dish...

Employee Is Wrongfully Terminated and Goes out of His Way to Get Justice

No one ever said adulting was easy. Paying bills, working, and other tasks related to survival can be a total drag. But work environments can also easily become toxic, leading to difficult situations and even drama! A commenter spoke about their ordeal on the Reddit forum https://www.reddit.com/r/ProRevenge, a part of the Reddit site focusing on...

20 Unrealistic Things in Movies That Annoy People a Lot

Films are known for exaggerating the truth a bit, and when these tropes aren’t overused, we barely notice. But what about unrealistic depictions we’re tired of seeing? You know the ones: bad science, weird time travel plot lines, and people who look perfect no matter what! One Reddit thread identified other annoying unrealistic details in...

20 People Talk About the “Essential” Things They Lived Without and Were Better Because of It

New pairs of shoes, a daily or weekly coffee run, or an extra dinner. We often take these small wants for granted and treat them as needs, but there are many who are living with far less. You never know what you can live with or without until you try, or until life puts you...

Want to Learn How to Make Pasta? An 84-Year-Old Italian Grandma Has Got You Covered!

What’s more delicious than fresh, home-made pasta? Where many of us didn’t have time to cook something from scratch in the past, many are now signing up for online courses, watching tutorials, and dusting off old recipe books. But nothing is better than creating an authentic dish by following directions from a seasoned chef. With...

3,700-Year-Old Babylonian Stone Tablet Gets Translated, Changes History About Advanced Math

Historians once credited the Greeks with the study of complex geometric principles. But a University of New South Wales professor Dr. Daniel Mansfield recently made a new history-changing discovery: Babylonians were doing advanced math 1,500 years before the Greeks were! Mansfield and his team found this out after cracking a code on an old Babylonian...

15 Jobs You Might Be Able to Do From Home in The Near Future

Thanks to technology, software, and demands from workers, working from home is slowly becoming more viable. Remote work is sought after because it allows for flexibility, saves commute time, and helps people save money they’d normally spend on transportation to and from work. Some jobs are obvious candidates for working at home, but Redditors came...

15 People Discuss the New Industries That Might Be Created Because People Are Working From Home

Times are a-changin’ and employers are quickly realizing that today’s workforce demands more flexibility. Indeed, some jobs and careers must be moved to work at home or remote in the future so the economy can keep thriving. There are some exceptions to this too. We will now need more delivery drivers and perhaps postal employees so...

Screenshots Of Entitled People And Their Crazy And Absurd Demands

People can be entitled sometimes! They may express it differently depending on what they want though. The internet is full of stories of broken friendships, ruined careers, and even divorces over someone else’s extreme rudeness. The only silver lining we have is that cell phones, messaging apps, and social media now allow us to better...

Submarine Serviceman Shares His Tips On How To Get Through Long Periods Of Isolation

The world is now a part of the largest ever self-imposed isolation, for good reason. It hasn’t been easy for many to get used to their own company. Thankfully, this isn’t the first time anyone has had to spend a lot of time on their own. Jon Bailey is experienced in submarines and decided to...

“It Can Always Get Worse” – 20 People Ponder Things That Would Make 2020 Go Even More Downhill

In the past year alone, humans have seen fires in Australia, California, and the Amazon forest. Worldwide carbon emissions from various types of businesses, human activity, and burning fossil fuels have also made a dent in our year, and not exactly for the better. On top of COVID19, a contagious disease spread by the novel...

20 Europeans Discuss American Problems They Don’t Understand

The United States and Europe do things very differently. Inches vs. centimeters, coffee vs. tea, and currency notes that are all the same color. But our differences are slightly deeper than this. Governments, banks, and transportation systems work differently in the United States, and that can be hard to wrap your head around. In a...

20 Times People Tried to Pawn Completely Useless Items and Their Hilarious Reactions

Pawn shops are amazing for a variety of reasons. They’re great for people who fall on hard times and want to avoid taking out loans, or for people who want to find something at a great price. Of course, we can imagine that pawn shop owners have stories to tell. After all, not everyone wants...

Doctors and Nurses Share the Most Hilarious “Asking for a Friend” Stories They’ve Heard

It’s not easy to understand our bodies. Sometimes they do things that require us to ask the experts: doctors. Of course, even though doctors are used to blood and guts, regular folks can feel strange asking certain questions. That’s why some people ask a question “for a friend.” Leave it to AskReddit to ask doctors...