
Posts by Kim Wong-Shing

Woman Finds 3 Deer in Her Living Room After Leaving Her Back Door Open in a Storm

Deer are known for being rather shy around people. They startle easily, and their particular brand of fright has even inspired common sayings like “like a deer in headlights.” But on rare occasions, deer can actually get really comfortable around people. In one woman’s case, maybe a little too comfortable… The woman, Kathie Tietze, helps raise orphaned...

Male Giant Tortoise Saves His Species From Extinction After Fathering 800 Babies

A species of tortoise has been saved from the brink of extinction, all thanks to one male’s successful fathering of 800 babies. Giant tortoises are the largest living tortoises in the world – they really are genuinely huge. There are several different species, and they’re all extremely rare. They exist only on the Galápagos islands...

A Downward-Tilting Toilet to Prevent Long Bathroom Breaks Has Been Invented

In “evil bosses” news, a company has created a toilet that’s designed to be so uncomfortable that it prevents workers from taking long bathroom breaks. The StandardToilet is tilted at a 13-degree angle, so it causes leg strain after just five minutes of sitting. The angle of the StandardToilet is “not enough to cause health...

13 Normal Baby Names You Definitely Not Want to Name a Baby in 2020

Baby names are tricky; some parents want their kids to have a unique name, while others want a timeless one. But nobody can predict the future, and some names that were completely normal in the past would make for horrible names today. On AskReddit, users brainstormed some completely “normal” names that would, nonetheless, be cruel to...

15 People Share Obvious Things They Didn’t Realize Until Recently

We’ve all had one of those moments: you learn a new fact, a lightbulb pops up over your head like a cartoon, and you feel extremely dumb for not knowing sooner. Hey, just because something is “obvious” doesn’t mean that it’s common knowledge. On AskReddit, users shared super obvious things that they didn’t realize until embarrassingly late...

10 Private Investigators Share the Weirdest Cases They’ve Ever Worked On

For most people, zany detective cases are the stuff of TV shows and movies, not reality. But when you work as a private investigator, real life truly is stranger than fiction. On two AskReddit threads, people who have worked in the PI field shared some of the craziest stories from work — at least, the craziest ones...

15 Green Flags That Show a Partner Is Truly Worth Dating, According to Redditors

If you want to avoid getting into a disaster of a relationship, it’s important to read the signs early, before you get too attached. There are some common red flags to watch out for, like anger or control issues. But what about green flags — the clues that a person will be a good, kind partner?...

This Special Egg-Collecting Apron Has a Total of 19 Egg-Sized Pockets

If you’ve ever wished you could carry over a dozen eggs at a time without a stupid, annoying basket, you’re finally in luck! An Etsy seller created an apron that has 19 pockets so it can carry 19 individual eggs. The Egg-cellent Apron was designed by Heart Hook Home, a blog and Etsy store that...

Video Captures Two Big Sea Lions Climbing on Top of a Tiny Boat, Living Their Best Life

As an avid fisherman, Joshua Phillips has plenty of wild stories. And since he owns his own fly fishing equipment shop in Olympia, Washington, he gets plenty of time out on the water. But even Joshua was stunned when he came across a pair of sea lions lounging on boat so small that they practically...

Science Says Being a Cat Lady Is Actually Good for Your Health

Good news for anyone who’s ever been pegged as a “crazy cat lady”: being a cat lady is actually good for your health. Science says so. Owning a cat can help reduce stress, and it’s good for your heart, too. One study in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology found that cat ownership can...

This Gorgeous Off-Road Camper Van Can Take You Literally Anywhere – If You Can Afford It

If you’ve ever doubted your willingness to live on the road, this luxurious camper van might change your mind. The EarthRoamer XV-HD is one hell of a vehicle, both inside and out. On the outside, it’s a rugged four-wheel-drive camper built on a Ford F-750 chassis. At first glance, it looks like this thing could...

12 Superpowers That Would Suck to Have in Real Life

Superpowers aren’t real… But what if they were? According to Redditors, there are some superpowers that would seriously suck in real life, even though they look really cool in the movies. Here are 12 superpowers that would definitely be overrated IRL (especially if you couldn’t control them properly). 1. Reading minds. “Mind reading. Especially if...

18 People Share Items That Are Cheap to Make, but Expensive to Buy

Sticking to a budget is hard. But once you see this AskReddit thread about how many things are WAY cheaper to make/manufacture than they are to buy from the store, you might get inspired. From food to medical items, here are 18 items that are expensive to buy, but cheap to make. 1. Eyeglasses. There’s like...

Man Live Tweets the Terrible Way He Found out His Summer Fling Was Married with Kids

A man found out his ex-fling was married with children in the most “yikes” way possible — by running into him at church on Christmas Eve. Dan, or @dxnielandrew_ on Twitter, reported the entire story live on Twitter, and it went viral for obvious reasons. It all started when Dan went to midnight mass with his...

12 People Reveal How They Got Roped into MLMs and How They Got Out

It seems like multi-level marketing (MLM) companies — aka pyramid schemes — are everywhere these days. They’re especially popular with recent grads, stay-at-home moms, the unemployed, and other folks who are desperate for a side hustle. But these ventures rarely turn out as planned, and in some cases, they end up in disaster. On AskReddit,...