
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

18 People Recall The Weirdest Thing They Did At A Sleepover

If you think about it, sleepovers are a pretty weird rite of passage. No one really likes sleeping away from the comforts of home, other people’s parents are always these weird entities, and you’re hazed if you actually fall asleep. I think that we’ve all done something strange in those moments, but as I read...

10 Polyamorous People On How They Handle Jealousy

I assume that, no matter the type of relationship or who is involved, most relationships are the same at their core. They all have the same potential highs – and the same potential pitfalls – and jealousy is something that most people deal with at one time or another. These 10 people in polyamorous relationships...

11 Women Share Why They Prefer Dating Younger Men

In the world of dating, it seems to be more common for older men to date younger women than vice versa. That said, a huge age gap is typically cause for an eyebrow raise no matter the gender disbursement in a relationship, if you ask me. That said, maybe I just don’t understand. If you’re...

18 Women Share The Innocent Behavior They Stopped After Being Accused Of Leading Someone On

Navigating the dating world – or even just the single world – can be rough. There’s no doubt that people come from some vastly different backgrounds and world views that there’s no one-size-fits-all, but I would argue that women still bear the brunt of changing their behavior to avoid trouble. There are many things women...

16 Warning Labels That Most People Totally Ignore

Back in the early aughts, Jerry Seinfeld did a bit about how Americans will ignore all kinds of serious warning labels – like the ones on cigarettes, for example – but they will absolutely never wash something that states it should be dry cleaned only. The joke was funny because it’s true, because it does...

Is It Ever OK To Foist Parental Responsibilities On Someone Who Has None?

Navigating family relationships can be tricky in the best of times, but when you and one of your siblings make completely different life choices from your own, the friction can sometimes build into a fire that’s hard to control. This woman chose to lead a more conservative life than her sister, who had a child...

Would You Help Pay For A Wedding After You Were Uninvited?

I feel like the answer to this question is super obvious, but if you’re like me, every once in awhile you enjoy reading an Am I the A$$hole post that you just know is going to lead to a good amount of righteous anger. If that’s what you’re here for, never fear – because this...

Should A New Girlfriend Break Up A Longstanding Trivia Team?

There’s no doubt that new relationships can be tough on longstanding friendships. When we’re young we tend to throw everything we have into that new person and kind of forget about our friends for awhile, and even as we grow and mature, a rift between friends and a new love interest can cause long term...

This Couple Is Having A Disagreement About Whether Or Not Their Teenage Daughter Can Expect Privacy At Home

Family dynamics can be tough to navigate, especially when you’re talking marriage and relatives who aren’t technically yours, you know? This guy’s brother-in-law and teenaged nieces moved in after he got divorced and lost their house. OP and his wife have one teenaged daughter, a few years younger than her cousins, and the three of them...

Was This Teenager Justified In Calling Her Brother-In-Law “Useless?”

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that parenting is a tough gig. The hours stink, the stress levels are through the roof, and there’s actually zero pay other than sleep deprivation and emotional damage (and sure, also emotional fulfillment), and we all need a break sometimes. That said, there are way too many women...

New Mom Worries She’s Offended Her Mother-In-Law Over Time With Her Newborn Son

Y’all, I feel like I need to put some kind of warning on this post, because if you’re someone whose blood pressure rises from the mere mention of abusive relationships and/or people treating new mothers poorly, then you (like me) need to take care. This woman gave birth to her first child five weeks ago,...

Guy Finds Out It’s Never OK To Comment Negatively On A Partner’s Appearance

Listen, I get that there’s a learning curve when it comes to everything in life and that relationships are nothing different, but that said…I feel like some things shouldn’t need to be said. This guy asked his girlfriend if she wanted to participate in a TikTok trend where they tell each other something they would...

Would You Agree To Babysit Even If You Didn’t Feel Comfortable? A Woman Refused And Wonders If She Made The Right Decision.

As a kid, I read The Babysitter’s Club and thought that being paid to hang out with other people’s kids was where it was at…until I actually did it a few times and realized how much work kids actually are. Even now, as an adult who has kids, I would only offer to babysit for people I really...

Man Wonders If He Was A Jerk For Not Letting Neighbors Camp On His Land

I think that, in almost all cases, most people at least try to be good neighbors when they can. Sure, some people are jerks just because they can be, but most of us realize that angering people we have to live near for years on end just isn’t good business (among other things). This person...

A Woman And Her Service Dog Were Booted From A Private Compartment. Was It The Right Decision?

Most people go out of their way to accommodate people who are clearly in need of special assistance in public – and since the majority of people who aren’t terrible psychopaths love dogs, I would guess that goes double for people accompanied by service dogs out in the wild. Things can get complicated, though, if...