
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

16 Addictions That Society Pretends Are Actually Necessary

I’m pretty sure that when most of us hear the word “addiction” we have a negative association with the word – even if we can use it in a tongue-in-cheek way at times, most of us realize that clinical addiction is nothing to take lightly. That said, these 16 serious addictions are sometimes written off...

Groom Wants To Know If He’s Wrong For Refusing A Titanic-Themed Wedding

Anyone who spends time reading posts on the subreddit Am I The A$$hole knows 100% that weddings – which are supposed to be the happiest days of our lives – can often bring out the absolute worst in everyone involved instead. People argue about guests, catering, attire, and sure, the theme (if you’re the sort...

Should This Woman Get Over Her Boyfriend’s Enjoyment Of Dressing Like Winnie The Pooh In The House?

The key to all relationships might be compromise, but in many cases, it can honestly be hard to know exactly what you’re willing to compromise on until you and a romantic partner begin sharing the same space. Relationships just hit different when you can’t get away from someone else’s habits – habits you may not have...

Is It Wrong To Lie To Your Partner About Going To The Gym

I think most of us want to say that lying to our partners is never the way to go – and never our first instinct – but anyone who has been in a serious relationship for a significant amount of time knows that sometimes it’s best for everyone if the truth just stays on mute....

10 People Share What It’s Like To Date Someone With ADHD

If you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD or have been in a close relationship with someone who has – romantic or not – you probably realize that it affects much more of people’s lives than just not being able to pay attention. In fact, it can have pretty severe repercussions when it comes to functional, healthy...

11 People Share What It’s Like To Be The Person Who Ruined A Marriage

Anyone who has ever attempted marriage – successfully, unsuccessfully, or somewhere in between – knows that there’s nothing easy about it. There’s a lot of compromise, plenty of surprises, and the bottom line is just that sometimes when people grow over a long period of time their paths diverge instead of moving closer together. That...

16 Security Guards Dish On The Weirdest Thing They’ve Seen On A Shift

There are all kinds of jobs out there that I feel like would have super interesting components to them – mostly positions that end up putting people in contact with the public, of course – and security guards are no exception. And to the ones that work at night, well…that just ups the weirdness quotient,...

This Woman Told Her Boyfriend His Public Display Of Emotion “Embarrassed Them Both”

Sometimes you think you can tell how an Am I The A$$hole post is going to go just from reading the headline. You’re often wrong, because the devil is in the details, but other times – like this one, for example – there’s just no saving OP from their own horrible choices. This couple was...

15 Celebrities People Really Hope Are As Nice As They Seem

We all know deep down that the celebrities we enjoy watching perform might not be what they seem when they’re behind closed doors. The last several years have taught us all the hard lesson of not getting too invested in anyone, since you really never know what “shocking” news is going to come out next....

14 People Share What They Think Will Be Humanity’s Downfall

There could really be an endless number of answers this question, both tongue-in-cheek and serious, and honestly, any number of them could end up being the thing that does us in, right? These 14 people think they’ve put their finger on the winner (or loser), though, so let’s read through and see what we think!...

16 People Share The Most Cringe-Worthy Reason They Saw A Doctor

I think that a vast majority of doctors out there have pretty much heard and seen it all not long into their careers. It probably takes a lot to shock them, and even more to give them a memory that will last more than a couple of hours. Those facts didn’t stop these 16 people...

14 People Describe The Things They Saw On The Internet That Disturbed Them As Kids

Sure, there are plenty of good things about the internet, but most of us also realize that there is also really no depth to the depravity of what some people will use it for, either. Many of us find that out the hard way when, as naive kids, we click on something that will end...

14 Therapists Share The Appointments That Stuck With Them

There is no doubt in my mind that you have to be extremely mentally tough yourself to be an effective therapist for others. You hear all of the worst parts of humanity, sometimes in an hour’s span, and you have to keep it together for the person who has suffered firsthand. That said, I imagine...

16 People Who Convinced Us They Were Good, But Turned Out To Be The Exact Opposite

If there’s one thing that watching a bunch of murder shows and listening to a bunch of murder podcasts and reading…well, you get it, has taught me, it’s that we can never truly know another person. These are 16 examples of when people have convinced us they were great human beings only to turn around...

17 People Muse On Some Unfortunate Realities Of Working From Home

There are tons of upsides when your employer allows you to work from home, or work in a hybrid situation. We talk a lot about the benefits, but once you do it for awhile – like with everything in life – you realize there are also a fair number of downsides to the situation. If...