
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

10 Couples Talk About How They’re Making A Long Distance Marriage Work

All marriages are hard, but when you throw distance – required or not – into the mix, things can get complicated and messy really quick. You have to really have open lines of communication and a willingness to push through the tough times to keep the romance alive over thousands of miles. These 10 couples...

10 People Who Couldn’t Believe Others Fell For Their Lies

Everyone tells lies sometimes, and listen – don’t buy into the hype that they always do it for the good of the people around them, either. Sometimes it’s selfish, sometimes it’s just because, but I think we’re all a little bit surprised sometimes when everyone falls for them. These 10 people went big but didn’t...

10 People Share Embarrassing Secrets They’ll Take To Their Graves

Every person in the world has at least one secret they plan to keep to themselves for as long as possible. There are some things that other people just don’t need to know, and whatever our reasons, they’re ours to deal with on a daily basis. It can be hard to keep things bottled up,...

10 People Who Are Being Stalked Reveal What It’s Like

None of us ever wants to be in the position to be able to answer a question like this. Being stalked, especially online where there seems to be so little to be done about it – and where it can even be impossible to pinpoint who exactly is behind the harassment – has to be...

11 Medical Assistants Share Insights About Their Jobs

There are so many different jobs that exist in this world that, even though we interact with them fairly regularly, we aren’t totally sure what role they play in our care – and medical assistants might be one of those professions for you. They’re not doctors, they’re not nurses, yet they’re still essential to our...

Worrisome Signs You’ll Want To Watch For After Bumping Your Head

I think that after the news about what happened to Bob Saget, we’re all asking questions about what sorts of head injuries we should keep an eye on, lest we lay down to go to sleep and never wake up. As a mother of small boys, this is always a concern of mine, too, because...

Woman Wonders Whether Her Romantic Life Is Any Of Her Coworker’s Business

I think most people would say that you’re allowed to tell your coworkers as much – or as little – about your personal life as you see fit. Some people are open about their home life and very friendly with coworkers, while others prefer to keep their private life, well…private. This woman has been in...

This Bride-To-Be Wants To Leave Her Future Sister-In-Law Off The Guest List

The internet has well-established the fact that for some reason, people absolutely lose their minds when it comes to planning a wedding. People who are normally level-headed and thoughtful can become completely unhinged, but I’ve gotta say…this woman really takes the cake. OP and her fiance are gearing up for their big day, working on...

Husband Wants To Know If He Was Wrong To Upgrade To Business Class And Leave His Wife In Economy

Most people go into marriage knowing, at least on some level, that it’s meant to be an equal partnership – even if it can be impossible to know what that means in daily practice until you’re actually doing it. This guy still has plenty to learn, it would seem, because when he had the opportunity...

Did This Husband Overreact To Being Served Plain Noodles For Dinner?

Now, most of the time when you see an AITA post where one party is complaining about a dinner they didn’t have to cook for themselves, you can bet up front they’re going to be raked over the coals. This might be one of those cases, though, where you have to read the whole thing...

Should Women Expect To Be Treated Differently While They’re Pregnant?

This is a tough question, because while I believe most women try their best to stay on top of their game while they’re pregnant, there are certainly circumstances that can make that almost impossible. From the constant nausea and extreme fatigue that you hope only lasts for 12 weeks at the beginning to joint pain, swelling,...

18 People Share What They Think Can Turn Good People Into Monsters

To be fair, I think it’s easier to turn a good person into a monster than it is to turn a monster into anything resembling a good person, so maybe the people answering this question have a little bit of an advantage. That said, it can be hard to believe that anything could change a...

Why You Might Be Seeing The Moai (Moyai) Emoji More And More Often

If you’re someone who is, say, over the age of maybe 28 you might find it hard to keep up with what emojis are cool and which ones have fallen out of fashion. Like with social media sites in general, the younger, cooler, more hip generation always seems to move onto something new just when...

This Toddler Ordered About $2K Worth Of Stuff On Mom’s Laptop

If you’ve ever wondered when you need to start protecting your laptop and phone, etc, with passwords so that your kids can’t “accidentally” (or otherwise) go on a shopping spree online, the answer is probably as soon as they’re born. At least, that’s what New Jersey mom Madhu Kumar would tell you after packages she...

TikTok Moms Have Some Thoughts On Raising A Baby “100% Vegan”

People make all kinds of dietary choices for all kinds of different reasons – whether they’re because of ethics, concern over the environment, or health, it’s really no one’s business but their own. That becomes more debatable, though, when their choices start to affect those around them. We’ve seen stories where people trying to put...