14 People Share The Things They Really Wish They Didn’t Know
Did you ever find something out that you immediately wished you could un-hear, un-read- or un-learn? I think we’ve all been there a time or two, especially since the internet became a thing, but as much as we want to, we can’t forget. These 14 people have stumbled across knowledge they really wished they didn’t...
25 People Tell The Internet What They’re Thinking About Right Now
There are so many ways we ask people what they’re thinking. We ask “what’s on your mind” or “a penny for your thoughts” when we actually, really want to hear what someone in our lives is pondering at any given moment. Well, sometimes the internet genuinely wants to know, too, and when Reddit asked, these...
How Would You Handle A Neighbor Constantly Asking To Borrow Food?
I like to think that majority of people who choose to live in close proximity with others like to be neighborly when we can. We feed their cats, we keep an eye on their houses, and sure, if someone is out of eggs or milk and in a desperate situation, we’re more than happy to...
Is It Ever OK To Fire Someone Over The Phone?
Owning your own business is hard work, and it comes part and parcel with a lot of jobs that no one else wants – like firing employees that aren’t working out. This woman owns a coffee shop and hired a young employee who ended up also dating her older brother. Things got awkward after the...
Did This Coworker Go Too Far In Blackballing An Associate?
When you work in an office environment it can be hard to know when to involve HR and when to mind your own business, but I think most of us can agree that if someone makes you repeatedly uncomfortable, that’s a sign. And that goes double if you have asked them to please stop and...
Was This Roommate In The Wrong For Causing A Breakup?
I think that, as a basic rule of thumb, most of us try to stay out of other people’s romantic relationships. Butting in never turns out well; either they break up and are resentful that we didn’t help them see what was wrong sooner or they end up getting back together and can’t forget the...
My Friend Has A Really Outdated View Of Gender Roles. How Do I Confront Her?
As a person of a certain age who has more friends who are or have been married than not, I can tell you that – no matter how far we’ve come as a society or how enlightened some of us claim to be – the workload in domestic relationships remains largely out of balance. Especially...
20 Charts That Could Change The Way You Think About Food
If there’s one thing I think is true for most people, it’s that our relationship with food can be complicated. Whether we’re too worried about what we eat and how we look or we’re not worried enough, and don’t even get me started on the messed-up diet industry in America. If you’re looking to create...
17 People Who Work With The Uber Rich Dish On The Crazy Things They’ve Seen
If you’re not someone who was born or married into the world of the uber-rich, there’s a good chance you don’t really know what it’s like to live on the inside. Most of us never will, but these 17 people work jobs that give them clearance, if only for a little while – and luckily, they’re...
Did This Teenage Girl Step Out Of Line When Her Dad Started Questioning Her Judgement?
It can be really, really tough to be a teenager. Everyone tests their parents, explores their boundaries, and feels that urge to step out on their own – and when you have parents who consider themselves strict or traditional, things can get a little sticky at home. This sixteen-year-old was a little bewildered at her...
Is It Wrong To Not Ask Permission To Marry Someone’s Daughter?
Marriage and weddings seems to bring out the very worst in a lot of people, don’t you think? In America, at least, we’ve put The Wedding on such a pedestal that “every little girl” dreams of her entire life, and so when things don’t go as planned, well…it can get messy. One of the traditions...
This Girl Thinks Her Mom Is Wrong For Not Dumping Her Cheating Dad, But Who Is The Real Jerk Here?
When you’re a kid and you have good parents who you trust, it can be a seriously shocking moment when you realize they are, in fact, just human beings like everyone else. They make mistakes, they make decisions we don’t agree with, and sometimes they don’t want to talk to us about them, either. This...
Woman Asks “Is It Ever OK To “Out” A Family Member Who Wasn’t Ready?” The Internet Responds.
When it comes to family, I don’t think there are any hard and fast rules. That is, except for honoring other people’s hard and fast rules. In general “outing” a LGBTQ person who has chosen not to “out” themselves is a huge no-no, but still, people seem to think they’re stumbling across exceptions here and...
14 Items That Absolutely Should Not Exist
Y’all, there is something cool about living in a world where not only does literally anything you can imagine exist, but it exists in a way that it can also be in your home with the click of a button. That said, there are just some things in this world that absolutely should not exist – and...
These Companies Have Packages That Are Hilariously Way Too Big For Their Product
I’m sure that most of us have ordered something online and, excited to receive it, gathered a package in from the porch…only to realize that the package is far too big for the small thing we bought and paid for, right? It’s silly, and we just shake our heads and snort before (hopefully) recycling the...