17 People Share The Red Flags That Would Make Them Turn Down A Job
We hear a lot about why employers would turn down an applicant based on their resume or their interview, but what about the times the opposite are true? When you’re looking for a job, hopefully you have the luxury of holding out for the right fit – and if so, these 17 people say you...
11 Students Get Real About The Super Stressors At School
The world has changed quite a bit in the past quarter century, and while school was never exactly a walk in the park or something most people could coast through, I don’t recall it consuming my life the way it does with young people today. If you don’t have kids or yours are still little,...
17 People Muse On What Toxic Behaviors Society Still Excuses
Society has come a long way with recognizing when behaviors are ultimately toxic and unhealthy, but as with a lot of things in this world, it can seem as if it’s two steps forward, one step back. These 17 behaviors are widely recognized by many as being toxic, but society is still more than willing...
How Your Boss Might Know You’ve Received An Offer For Another Job
People used to be super loyal to their employer – then again, employers used to be loyal, respectful of, and good to their employees in return. These days, most people are aware they will likely not work the same job for their entire working life. Employers seem to have made their peace with the same....
There’s A New Robot Record For The Hundred-Meter Sprint
I don’t know about you, but any and all advancements with artificial intelligence and/or robotics makes me at least a little bit nervous. I’ve seen a lot of movies and read even more books, and in the stories where the computers become smarter and more capable than the human beings, things never work out that...
The Unsavory Surprise Lurking In Alaska’s New Lakes
The effects of global warming can be seen and felt all over the globe, and I’m not sure there are any scientists left willing to deny the huge impact it’s going to have on every aspect of life in the years to come. In Alaska, the thawing polar ice has led to the creation of...
10 Kids Talk About The Pressure They Feel At School
If you’ve got kids – or even if you don’t – there’s a good chance you’ve heard about increased rates of bullying and suicide among young people in the United States. One of the reasons for this is the increased pressure at school, and to hear these 10 kids talk about it, it’s hard to...
As Many As 1 in 4000 Babies Could Be On A Different Evolutionary Path
If you’re sitting there assuming that a discussion about evolution is going to talk about events thousands of years in the past, or different hominids, then think again – evolution continues to happen right under our noses, even if you need a microscope to see it. New research suggests there’s a new route that employs...
14 Couples Dish On Why They Fought During The Holidays
The holidays are great, right? There are presents and good food and pretty lights and the opportunity to be with family and friends for a few days – maybe you even get some extra time off work or school, too. They’re also a stressful time of year for many, whether it’s money or strained family...
Learn More About The Woman Who Inspired The Class “Island Of The Blue Dolphins” Book
I was a reader as a child. No one had to force me to read, and in fact, I probably ran through a good portion of my parents’ monthly “fun” budget keeping me in books. As I grew, my palate expanded and a love for history was born – largely through books like Island of the...
This Guy Has A Serious Hack For Maximizing Your Paid Time Off
Around the world, people have long taken their time off seriously. In Europe, work-life balance is not a new concept, and employers and workers both make sure to honor the fact that people have lives away from the office. In America, it’s becoming more and more important, too, as people realize their families deserve more...
Man Swears Waffle House Has Different Menus…And Some Are Definitely Better Than Others
If you live in the American South, there’s almost no chance that you’ve missed dining at Waffle House. It’s a tradition, a long and storied one, and people even choose to frequent the chain for special occasions like birthdays and Valentine’s Day. And if you’ve visited different Waffle Houses or even different locations in your...
Woman Shares Funny, Overly-Professional Texts From Her Boyfriend
If there’s one thing that can make a relationship not only last, but be fun along the way, it’s being able to laugh together. A lot of women are looking for a good sense of humor when in search of a long-term (or short-term) partner, but it can be hard to find. This woman found...
16 People Muse On The Mystery They’d Love To See Solved In Their Lifetime
There are some mysteries that are unique to our lived existence, and some that continue to capture the imagination and curiosity of the world at large. Either way, mysteries are a love/hate for most people. You love to speculate about them and try to solve them yourself, but ultimately, knowing is better than not knowing....
11 People Dish On How Their Jobs Were Stolen
We might realize that job security is a thing of the past, and that we should be prepared for – and actively interested in – job hunting on a moment’s notice. These 11 people know what it’s like to get the boot without any warning at all, though – and in fact, to be replaced...