18 People Muse On What Makes Them Think of the Early 2000s
Listen, as someone who was in college (argh) in the late 90s/early 2000s, I definitely have some nostalgia for the period, no matter then tiny butterfly hair clips and in-depth discussions on whether NSYNC or The Backstreet Boys were the superior boyband. It’s NSYNC, and I won’t be entertaining arguments to the contrary in the...
17 People Share What Always Makes Them Think Of The Early 2000s
If you were an 80s or even an early 90s baby, there’s a good chance that the early 2000s are a serious nostalgia period for you. For me, a *cough* late 70s baby, the early aughts were my late college years, and yeah…they definitely seem like the good old days to me. There are things...
16 People Recall Things That Fell Flat After Being Totally Hyped
You can tell how much money a company has spent on a product or service by how much money they throw behind the marketing campaign. For example, the more previews you see for a movie, the more ads for a television show, the higher the production budget was on the front end. These 16 items...
15 Things We All Expected To Be Really Great, But Ended Up Being The Exact Opposite
I feel like society as a whole has gotten pretty jaded when it comes to products and media that’s super hyped – almost like the more companies try to push things on us, the less we’re willing to get super excited about them. That said, we’re not immune to the mass marketing machine, and there...
16 People Weigh In On The Craziest Stories On Reddit
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t enjoy sifting through a few AITA posts here and there. It’s nice to know that you’re not a terrible person, for one – or at least, there are worse people out there – and let’s face it, human beings just love to sit in judgement of each other. These...
Proof That Micromanaging Bosses Never Come Out Ahead
If you’re a manager, then you know there are all manner of employees out there. Especially when you’re managing in food service or a minimum-wage industry, your people run the gamut from teens who are learning a first job to people who are willing to do just the bare minimum in order to get that...
15 Things People Say Are More Physically Painful Than They Should Be
No one enjoys physical pain (in most circumstances anyway), but the worst thing of all is how it can sneak up and surprise you. Like, you accidentally slide the edge of an envelope against your thumb, and suddenly you can’t touch anything wet or remotely acidic for 3-4 days – what’s up with that? These...
18 Myths That Are Often Taken As Fact
In the day and age of the internet, there is so much misinformation running rampant around the world it can be hard to keep up. That said, some pieces just seem to keep popping up quicker than we can even try to whack them down, and those moles are considered hard truth to way too...
17 People Weigh In On What They Think Is The Most Unethical Professions
When I first saw this question I thought, “how can there be this many answers out there,” which I guess means I’m an optimist or something, I don’t know. But somehow, these 17 people (and many, many more) all came up with submissions for the most unethical profession around, so read through them and see if...
15 Tweets About Therapy We Just Think Are Really Insightful
Therapy and asking for mental health resources are both becoming more normal and even celebrated in society. That said, we still have a long way to go when it comes to making them accessible to everyone, and also to dispelling the stigma across the board. You’re lucky though, clicking this link – we’ve got 15...
14 People Share Their Favorite Gems From Therapy
Therapy used to be something that no one talked about – if they even went in the first place. Too many people suffered in silence, whether because they worried they would be judged, they couldn’t afford a therapist, or both. Nowadays the stigma is easing somewhat, but the money thing is still a barrier for...
12 People Share Their Favorite Advice From Their Therapist
I’m a firm believer in therapy, and I even think that almost everyone could use a trained ear to give feedback on our lives and our issues now and again. Not all of us go to therapy – we don’t feel like we need it, someone else in our lives is preventing it, or maybe...
10 Excellent Pieces Of Advice From Therapy
Now that we have this neat little thing called the internet, which has given us another neat little thing called a global society, we no longer have to pay for things like therapy in order to access at least some of the fruits of that process. For instance, this Twitter thread is full of people...
16 Movies With Plot Twists That Are Hard To Beat
If you want a movie with a great twist, you’ll likely have a bit of trouble finding exactly what you’re looking for on the first try. Either the twist is lackluster, or you see if coming a mile away, right? That’s what makes movies that get it right so great, though, don’t you think? These...
17 People Recall The Worst Thing They’ve Ever Smelled
Some people have a strong stomach for smells and the like, while others (like my husband) find themselves dry heaving over every single poopy diaper they run across. No matter which type you are, though, there are bound to be some smells that get to you – and these 17 people don’t have to try...