12 Times Texts From Boomers Cracked Us Up
Most of the time, the internet is not really that fond of Boomers. They’re grumpy, they’re out of touch, and they’re way too willing to blame everything that’s wrong with the world on any generation but their own. That said, individually, older people can be adorably clueless, right? And nothing makes you laugh more than...
13 Totally Adorable Texts From Boomers
Boomers get a bad rap these days, because they just don’t get “kids these days” and they also don’t really seem to realize how different the world is today and much better they had it way back when (if they were white). Still, some of them are out there doing the best they can for...
13 Posts About Aging That You’ll Hate To Love
It’s kind of a weird thing, that moment when you realize you’re getting older. That you’re no longer young and cool, but also you don’t really care? If you’re staring down that moment – or if you’ve already passed it – then you’re definitely going to feel these 13 tweets in your old brittle bones....
11 Hilarious Posts About Getting Older
There’s no way out of getting older – no way most of us would be willing to take, anyway – and so we all find ourselves staring into the abyss sooner rather than later. In my experience, aging really hasn’t been so bad. Mostly I enjoy no longer having to give so many f**ks about...
New Dad Wonders Whether He Was Wrong Not to Let Anyone Else Hold His Newborn Before His Wife Could
Being a mom for the first time is one of the most stressful, emotional, wild rides a woman will ever take in her life. The hormones, the fears, the joy, and yes, the changes – it’s a ton to handle all at once, and if there’s one thing I think is true across the board,...
Is This New Mother Awful For Refusing To Call Her Husband When She Goes Into Labor?
The title of this article might end up being a little misleading, even if it is totally true – because you’re probably thinking “what sort of monster doesn’t want her husband there when their baby is born,” right? Well, get a load of this story, y’all. OP is due very soon with her 4th child...
15 Fictional Quotes People Just Can’t Forget
Even if you’re not someone who studied creative writing or even excelled in English, you know when you encounter good fiction. Good writing says something true about life, it makes you take a harder look at yourself, at your beliefs, and it crops up again and again to force you to confront those things again....
16 People Share The Things Fictional Characters Said That Just Stuck
I know that some snobby people like to dismiss fiction as not serious or lesser-than, but anyone who is a fan (or an author) knows that’s wrong all the way to its core – just because characters and a story aren’t real doesn’t mean the life inside of it is false, after all. Which is...
15 People Submit The Social Custom They’d Like To Retire
Social customs are usually somewhat of a sign of the times – niceties and other ways of being that rose out of a specific place and time for a very specific reason. Some of them, like washing your hands after you use the bathroom, continue to be helpful. Others, like shaking hands, seems to be...
17 People Muse On What They Wish Fell From The Sky Instead Of Rain
We know this idea has been around since literally forever, since in the Bible’s Old Testament manna rained from heaven, and there’s at least one song called “Pennies from Heaven,” but where did it come from? I’m not sure about the answer, but I do know that these 17 people have some pretty intriguing ideas...
16 People Recall The Worst Physical Pain They’ve Experienced
Most of us have been unlucky enough to have experienced physical pain at one point in our lives or another, and some of them are for sure more memorable than others. Childbirth is an obvious example, and one that we asked for in so many words. These 16 people are recalling the worst physical pain they’ve ever...
16 Things People Say Would Be Worse If They Were Invisible
Don’t you love when people ask questions that get you thinking about something you never would have considered on your own? If you do, I hope you’re on Reddit because this is one of the things they do best – all sorts of questions, every single day, and answers that will make you reconsider your...
18 People Confess The Thing They Desperately Want Right Now
Did you ever hear the thing about putting what you want out into the universe so you can give it a chance to come true? It’s a thing, I guess, and you know what? I say it’s worth a shot. These 18 people latched onto this Reddit thread and decided to do just that, and...
Dad Bods, Move Over – Mom Bods Are In The House
You probably remember a few years ago when the term “dad bod” reared it’s ugly head – it was basically women saying they thought a slightly rounded belly and back hair were actually hot, because they found men who were good dads and good husbands to be the s^xiest around. Women, of course, are not...
11 People Reveal Their Odd Food Habits To Strangers
I think it’s fair to say that most people have proclivities when it comes to food. Things we love, things we hate, combinations that are peculiar to us and facets of our food personalities that drive those closest to us a bit nuts on occasion. We usually don’t share them randomly, though, because deep down...