

12 People Share What TV Shows They Think Only They Remember

Let me ask you a question: have you ever asked other people about a particular TV show from your childhood or from way back in the day and they tell you’re crazy and that it never existed? It happens all the time, folks! And today we’re gonna hear from AskReddit users about shows they swear...

What Should You Not Base Your Personality On? Here’s What People Had to Say.

Do you really have to base your personality around ONE thing? I don’t think you do, but a lot of people out there sure seem to do that. That being said, what do you think you should NOT base your entire personality on? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. So, you like Crossfit? “As a...

What Was Ruined Because It Got Too Popular? Here’s What People Said.

You know that there are gonna be things that you got into before they became “cool.” And sometimes those things get ruined because everyone and their mother decides to get into it…and it’s not very special anymore. What got ruined because it got too popular? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. Ruined. “Mount Everest. Watched...

12 People Talk About What Was Normal in the 1990s but Isn’t Now

So the famous rappers wore huge pants that made it look like they had parachutes on their bottom halves? That’s just the way we rolled back then! And in case you don’t know who I’m referring to, it’s M.C. Hammer and Vanilla Ice… But those days are long gone, my friends. And that’s why the...

What TV Show From Your Childhood Does No One Else Seem to Remember? People Responded.

I thought I was the only person who remembered the TV show from the 1980s called Small Wonder but I brought it up recently and a few people I was out with totally remembered that weird show…so I got nothin’… What TV show from your childhood do you remember that no one else seems to? AskReddit users...

13 People Share TV Shows From Their Childhoods That No One Else Remembers

I’ve been wracking my brain and I can’t come up with a TV show from my childhood that no one else remembers… But these folks on AskReddit sure do so they’re picking up the slack for me! Thanks for that! Enjoy these responses and see if you remember any of these programs! 1. Yes! “Eerie,...

What’s Always Depicted the Wrong Way in Movies and TV Shows? Here’s What People Said.

As a big hockey fan, I have to say that the movie Goon really blew it in one aspect in my opinion: the main character who likes to brawl on the ice could barely skate. I’m not talking about being a bad skater, but could barely stand up. And there’s NO WAY that would happen even on...

12 People Share What They Think Is Always Depicted the Wrong Way in Movies and TV Shows

I love movies but boy, do they get a lot of things wrong, or what? I’m speaking the truth and you know it! And today we’re going to hear from folks on AskReddit users about what they think is always portrayed the wrong way in movies and TV shows. Take a look! 1. No problem!...