12 People Explain What It’s Like to Be Transgender
There is a lot to be said for feeling comfortable in your own skin. History is filled with people who didn’t, and suffered for it. But there have also been a great many people, and probably more than we know, who “passed” unnoticed, as the gender they identified with. A famous example was 19th century...
13 Hilarious Times People Were Way Too Tired for Life
We are all overworked and under slept. My dog insists on waking me up earlier on the weekend than I have to get up during the week, and she refuses to be ignored. So I totally get how people can be just too tired, although I do worry about some of them being out on...
This Man Bought a $35 Dollar Yard Sale Bowl That Turned Out to Be a Ming Dynasty Treasure
They say that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure – in fact, that’s really what the entire concept of garage sales is based on – but most of us can count on one hand (or one finger or less) how many times we’ve unearthed literal treasures in our neighbor’s garage. Sometimes, though, people just...
13 Pictures That Illustrate How Well We Love Our Favorite Things
When people find an item they really love – a piece of clothing, a tool, a piece of media or technology – we tend to not only use it a lot, but to hang onto it as long as we can. There’s no promise, after all, that we’re going to be able to find the...
12 Well-Worn and Well-Loved Items Find Their Perfect Replacements
There’s nothing quite like the panic that can seize a person when they realize an item they’ve loved unconditionally and well for many years is beginning to show signs of ending its life. It’s wearing out, wearing thin, and soon it will be time to replace it – but how? With what? How will we...
People Share Facts That Can Lead to Some Very Scary Thoughts
You gotta be careful with scary facts and creepy stories that are true, because if you let them rattle around your head for too long, you’ll start to freak yourself out. So that’s why it’s good to get terrifying information about the world in small doses. That way, you won’t be as paranoid and scared...
What True Facts Are Really Scary? People Shared Their Thoughts.
The world is a scary place, no doubt about it. And, while I don’t like to dwell for too long on the scary stuff, I also enjoy articles like these because they give me a little taste of all the potentially dangerous stuff out there. What true facts are really scary? Here’s what people had...
The Unexpected Dramas Within The Online Yarn Community
If I say “yarn community” and you picture a bunch of old ladies chatting over email or speaker phone about what they’re knitting, or maybe groups at the library where ladies share patterns, let me update you – knitting and crocheting and even cross stitch are cool, valid hobbies for anyone in their mid-twenties and...