

17 Things People Consider Healthy Now, But Might Not In The Future

Certain things going in and out of style (and sometimes back in again) is a completely normal thing in human culture. That said, health being one of those things is kind of odd when you think about it. In our current culture there are a whole lot of people with very few qualifications giving health,...

What Disease Would You Create That Only Mildly Inconvenienced People? Here’s What Folks Said.

It’s time for all of us to get a little bit evil… Yes, I said just a little bit! Because the question posed to AskReddit users concerns what disease they’d create to only mildly inconvenience people. Let’s see what they had to say! 1. Annoying! “Your ears constantly fall off and you have to press...

What’s the Funniest Thing You’ve Heard From Someone Under Anesthesia? People Responded.

If you’ve never been under anesthesia before, let me tell you that it is a very strange experience. You wake up not knowing where the hell you are or what’s going on and it’s pretty unsettling…and health care workers know that people say a lot of weird things when they’re under the influence of the...

16 “Healthy” Practices That Might Seem Like The Complete Opposite A Few Years Down The Road

It’s no secret that people’s opinions on things change as the years go by. You know better you do better, and science is always evolving and forcing us to (eventually) change our behaviors. Now, people today might be into arguing whether or not scientists actually know what they’re talking about, but I have to believe...

12 Health Care Workers Share the Funny Things They’ve Heard From People Under Anesthesia

I had a hernia surgery a few years ago and when I woke up after being knocked out it was such a strange feeling. I’d had surgery when I was a kid but I forgot how weird anesthesia makes you feel and what it does to you. It’s wild stuff! Check out what health care...

12 People Share the Diseases They’d Create to Only Mildly Inconvenience Other Folks

Well, this is gonna be a lot of fun! You better believe it! What am I talking about? Well, we’re going to hear from AskReddit users about what disease they’d create to only mildly inconvenience and annoy people. Check out what they had to say! 1. Sounds terrible. “A disease where you constantly feel like...

What Is Theoretically Possible but Practically Impossible? Here’s What People Had to Say.

I’m gonna say right off the bat that I am not a science person, so these responses are going to blow my mind no matter what these folks said… But maybe you’re a bit smarter than I am… Check out what AskReddit users said about what is theoretically impossible but practically impossible. 1. Maybe… Dyson...

She Asked Her Daughter-In-Law to Seek Help. Is She Wrong?

It’s always a tough discussion to have with someone… I’m talking about when you suggest that someone you love gets some help. Maybe it’s substance a**se, maybe it’s for mental health reasons, but it’ll always be emotional. So was this woman wrong for suggesting that her daughter-in-law get help? Check out the story below and...