
World Culture

12 People Discuss the Traditions They Don’t Think Should Even Exist

It’s pretty true that some traditions just need to be retired after a while. And today we’re gonna get an earful! Take a look and see the traditions that folks on AskReddit don’t need to exist. This is gonna be good! 1. Definitely. “Shark fin soup. It’s barbaric.” 2. Fired up about this one. “Elf...

12 People Share What They Think Is Unnecessarily Expensive

It’s crazy how much things cost these days. I got a new timing belt for my car not too long ago. Ouch! That cost a pretty penny…but I guess I need one that works to make my car move, you know what I’m saying? But still…pretty pricey. What do you think is unnecessarily expensive? AskReddit...

What’s Evil but Not Illegal? Here’s What People Had to Say.

I don’t think I’m saying anything too outrageous when I say that there are a lot of things in the world that are evil…but not illegal. It can be depressing to think about, but it’s just the way it is… And these AskReddit users have some serious thoughts about this subject. Check out what they...

13 People Talk About the Unsolved Mysteries They Want to See Solved

I don’t think it will ever get solved, but I’d love to finally see someone, anyone, figure out the real identity of the Zodiac K**ler. I’ve been interested in the case for a long time, read all the books on the subject, and I still find it as fascinating today as I did when I...

What Do People Need to Stop Getting Offended By? Here’s How People Responded.

I’m not trying to discount anyone’s feelings, but people seem to get offended by pretty much EVERYTHING these days. But maybe every generation has said that about the ones that come after them…I’m not sure… What do people need to stop being offended by currently? Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1....

12 People Share What They Think Is Accepted Now That Will Be Horrifying in 100 Years

You know what I think is kind of crazy? When I look through old magazines and see all the ci**rette ads that people used to see on a daily basis. We think it’s weird now but it used to be the norm. And there are a ton of examples like that! AskReddit users talked about...

What’s Accepted Today That Will Be Horrifying in 100 Years? People Shared Their Thoughts.

There’s no doubt about it, times change and the opinions of the general public change. Things that we thought were perfectly normal a couple of generations ago are now looked at with disdain. And AskReddit users went on the record with their thoughts about what is seen as normal these days that will probably be...

12 People Discuss the Gender Double Standards That Bother Them

We all know that there are many, many differences between men and women, but some folks don’t recognize that there are also double standards that exist between genders. And today we’re going to get the opinions of a bunch of people about this subject. Check out what these folks had to say on AskReddit and...