
Posts by Justin Gardner

13 People Answer the Question: “What Do Most People Not Realize Is Newer Than They Actually Think?

You know those things that seem like common knowledge or things that have been around for a long time… but they actually haven’t been? Of course you don’t know! That’s why you’re reading this post. If you knew, what would be the point of finding out? Oh… you’re curious about how much you might know?...

14 People Share the Weird Rules That Existed Because of Somebody’s Weirder Past Mistake

We’ve all had jobs and those jobs all have rules. Right? Right. Sometimes we run into some really, really weird rules, though… and it’s hard to determine where they come from. The following 15 people share stories about the times this happened to them… and what they thought about them. Let’s take a look! 1....

People Share the Oddly Specific Rules They’ve Run Into Because of Somebody’s Dumb Mistake

Ever have one of those jobs that you don’t really like and they’ve got a bunch of strange rules that you’re not even sure how they came up with them? Yeah, pretty much all of us have. I remember one job I had people weren’t allowed to go out on a perfectly nice patio to...

11 Fails That Are Among the Best Things About the Year We’ll Never Mention Again

Well, THAT year has come and gone and we’re now left to celebrate ALL of the fails that happened during THAT year that… which will never be mentioned again. Seriously… don’t even think about the year that was between 2019 and 2021. It’s not worth it. You’ll just make yourself angry. In fact, I’m angry...

People Share the Times When They Regretted a Decision Immediately

Have you ever done something and then immediately said, “Oh no… oh god no… oh good glory jesus NOOOOOOOO!!!!” Yeah, me too. And that’s why we’re here today… to commiserate about those times that people did something, regretted it… but not enough to prevent them from sharing it on the internets! Let’s take a look...

12 Hilarious Fails that People Were Brave Enough to Share

You know what’s hilarious? People failing. You know what’s even better? When people fail AND share those fails with the world. It takes a big person to bring out the worst in people, and make it their best… but that’s what we have in these 12 posts, AND WE ARE HERE FOR IT! Let’s take...

People Share the Facebook Posts That Will Left Them Seriously LOLing

Yes, 2020 has been an absolutely garbage year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all sit back and laugh at other people’s stupidity for a moment, right? If you’ve had a bad day or even if you’d had an okay day… it’s completely okay to guffaw at other people’s painful bad decision making for a...

11 of the Best Facebook Posts of the Year That Will Give You the Laugh You Need

How do you do today? Good, I hope. And it’s about to get better. Much better. Why? Because we went out to the Twitter… to find the best of Facebook. Make sense? Yeah, of course it does. How can it not? It’s so easy to follow. Let’s take a look at these 11 Facebook posts...

15 Times People Gathered Evidence of Glitches in The Matrix

Okay, so we don’t want to freak you out… but I think we’ve found legit evidence of The Matrix. Or, well, reddit has. Listen, whether you notice it or not, there are glitches in The Matrix just about every day. Sometimes we just see them, but other times people actually get photographic evidence… and then...

11 Sneaky Pieces of Industry Jargon You Never Knew

Every industry has interesting ways of saying certain things, and most of us have no idea what these coded terms mean unless we’re part of the business. Today we’re taking a look at 11 of these words or phrases and explaining exactly what they mean, and why they mean it. And away we go! 11....

12 Code Words That Industries Use and Don’t Want People to Know

Have you ever heard a term and thought, “WTF does that mean?!?” Yeah, me too. And that’s why I’m writing this today. Because certain industries have these code words that they use to trick us… and I’m just not one for many secrets. Today we’ll be looking at 12 code words used by select fields...

A “Karen” Tries to Destroy a Family’s Peach Orchard and Ends up Being Destroyed Herself

Some Karens are nuisances, but this one sounds like she’s out of Fatal Attraction! When she moved into the neighborhood, she had already made life a living hell for everyone around her, but messing with a historic peach orchard was just a step too far for one of its owners, who took matters into his...

5 Scary Science Experiments That Might Actually Get Rid of Some Basic Fears

These science experiments give us the heebie-jeebies, but they also serve to let us know that there’s a logical explantation for pretty much everything. If you believe in ghosts, or have ever played the game Bloody Mary, you’re not immune to being creeped out. While true believers will tell you there’s something to the paranormal,...

Bad Blood: The True Story of the Horrific Tuskegee Syphilis Study and the Racist Legacy It Left Behind

Racism has permeated nearly every American institution since the country’s beginnings—even its medical community. In September 1932, officials from the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) recruited 600 Black men into a medical study to treat what they called “bad blood.” The men were eager to take part, as they were poor sharecroppers who had never...

“10 Billion Tree Tsunami” Is Transforming Pakistan One Sapling at a Time

Climate change is a major cause for concern, and if we don’t turn things around sooner than later, we could be headed for disaster. One way to combat climate change is to plant more trees. In the past few years, dozens of tree-planting initiatives have “taken root” around the globe. Even in the face of...