
Posts by Stephanie Kaloi

“Costco Karen” Pitches a Fit and Stages a Sit-in After Being Asked to Wear a Mask

This has been a big year for a lot of people, but there have been two cultural phenomenons that have really caused a bit of chaos: the advent of so-called Karens and a request that everyone wears a face mask whine in public to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Karens are typically white women...

Filmmaker Shows How Green Screens Work With Before/After Photos

If you are a fan of movies and television, you are probably super familiar with green screens. A green screen is a backdrop that is most commonly used with a filmmaker or photographer plans to superimpose an image into the frame. Often, the actors are filmed walking and interacting in front of the backdrop, and...

Guy Pretends He’s a Store Manager and Throws out a Rude Customer

Rude customers are a scourge on humanity, but unfortunately, they are really prevalent. Usually, it’s up to the person who is working to deal with a rude customer. If you’re lucky, your manager will step in and diffuse the situation. And if you’re extra lucky, another customer will step in and pretend to be your...

Guy Proves His Point On Why Human Beings Are Foolish

Humans are funny creatures, right? Even when faced with a million signs that indicate the opposite, we always like to think we know best. One guy recently broke down the reason why it’s nearly always a fallacy to believe that someone could use common sense to defy or disprove scientific research. In fact, he says...

A Quick, Handy Guide to the Many Different Ways You Can Enjoy Coffee

Coffee is a bit of a lifesaving (and life-giving) force for many. Can you imagine waking up and not having your usual cup (or two) of the most delicious, magical drink on Earth? But if you’ve ever found yourself confused when visiting a coffee shop and being faced with a menu that contains a litany...

Scientists Put Together the Largest-Ever Map of the Universe and It Is a Sight to Behold

Astronomers who are working on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey have released a brand-new 3D map of the entire universe. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a decades-long project that has only had one goal: to map the universe. Now, it seems that they’ve managed to produce the largest-ever map to date. Over 100 scientists...

Former Employee Plots to Cause Cheap Manager to Lose $300k in Business

Plenty of us have worked for a manager or two who just was a deeply unpleasant person to be around. Oftentimes, you just have to suck it up and deal with it. But if you’ve ever worked for a manager who genuinely is not great at their job, and who even actively holds you back...

Tumblr Imagines What Would Have Happened If the Titanic Hadn’t Sunk and It’s Fascinating

The Titanic sank down to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in 1912, failing to complete its maiden voyage after hitting an iceberg. Many of us know the story thanks to our history teachers and also to the 1997 mega-blockbuster film, Titanic. But what would have happened if the Titanic had made it to New...

Tumblr Explains What Makes Humans so Great in the Star Trek Universe

People who love Star Trek really, really love Star Trek. That’s a universal fact that you can carry with you just about anywhere you ever go. One reason people love Star Trek is that humans are generally pretty great in the show. And by great, I mean they’re fearless and intrepid and just don’t stop....

Yes, There Are “Hocus Pocus” Themed Masks and Here’s How You Can Get Them

Face masks are all the rage right now as we continue to slog through this worldwide pandemic, and for good reason. They keep all of us safe, and they’re also kind of fun to wear, especially if you go the extra mile and buy fun masks. Hocus Pocus fans will delight in the knowledge that...

10 of the Most Dramatic Sister Rivalries of All Time

Anyone who has a sibling knows that those relationships are always a little, shall we say, delicate. Sure, every so often you meet a pair of siblings who genuinely seem to like one another, but that’s not always the case. Throughout history, there have been many famous stories of sibling rivalries that have ended families,...

People Are Sharing Their Custom Face Mask Fails and Honestly It’s Hilarious

Wearing face masks is just part of the new normal we all live with these days, and that’s fine. There are a lot of face mask options out there, which at least makes it fun. For example, you can find literary-themed face masks, movie-themed face masks, and even totally custom-designed face masks. Of course, as...

Photos of Shango the 433-Pound Gorilla Getting a COVID Test Have Freaked Out the Internet

If you have to get a medical procedure done, getting tested for COVID-19 is just part of the process right now. It turns out this is true even if you are a 433-pound gorilla. Shango is a gorilla who recently got into a fight with his brother. He was injured and needed to have a...

10 Grammar Myths Your English Teachers Taught You and Shouldn’t Have

Many of us who have been through school understand that when it comes to grammar, there are rules. At least, we think we do. What if you found out that many of those “rules” aren’t exactly true? That’s exactly what happened when someone put together this list of 10 grammar myths that our English teachers...

14 Behind-The-Scenes SNL Stories You’ve Never Heard

Saturday Night Live is basically a cultural institution in the United States. Generations of people have grown up watching the weekend comedy hour, and a lot of people continue to watch it each week. With a show that has been so popular for so long, it can be easy to assume that we know everything...