
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

16 Of The Most Destructive Lies Ever Told

Lying might be one of those things that everyone does, but when you’re in a position of power and leadership, it’s always something that should make you think twice. Sadly, the fact that being in a position of power or leadership means you’re less likely to be caught encourages the opposite, and history is full...

16 Hygiene Tips Everyone Needs To Hear

Look, I suspect that most of us believe we’re doing a good job/our best job at maintaining these bodies of ours. They take a lot of attention and work, though, and sometimes a thing doesn’t occur to you until someone else brings it up, right? If you want to make sure you’re cleaning yourself as...

10 Women Get Real About What It Was Like Tying Their Tubes

The decision whether or not to have children – and when to be done having children – is an intensely personal one. For most of us, we’ll make it with consideration of our own desires as well as those of any romantic partners and no one else. What’s it like actually pulling the trigger, though?...

Did This Guy Overstep In Taking His Pregnant Sister To Her Anatomy Scan?

Pregnancy is an exciting time, and that’s usually extra true when it’s the first one for a couple. It’s also a daunting time, and can be a super stressful time, and it’s awesome when you have a partner by your side for support. OP in this case is the brother of the pregnant woman, and...

Is This Boy Wrong To Ask His Mother To Give Up Her Parental Rights?

I want to believe that most people who become parents would never dream of handing over their teenager to someone else, but the reality of the foster care system proves me wrong. It’s still hard to imagine, though the 15yo in this case is also experiencing it firsthand. His parents divorced when he was 3,...

If You Wear Glasses, This Woman Has The Eye-Makeup Tutorial For You

Makeup might not seem like the most important thing in the world, but for many women, looking their best when they step out the front door goes a long way toward happiness, fulfillment, and confidence. For women who wear glasses, finding eye makeup that doesn’t completely disappear behind their frames has always been tricky at...

This Woman Bought Nothing For An Entire Year, Saving Around $23K

There are all kinds of reasons that people buy things, and actually needing them is nowhere near the top of the list. Most of us have what we need to survive a year or longer (except perhaps food), but we’ve been conditioned to think we “need” to replace things, grab new things, keep up with...

One Post That Illustrates Just How Crazy The Rental Market Is Right Now

When it comes to how expensive things are right now, there is no shortage of things to complain about – and absolutely nothing is a frivolous complaint, either. The rental market is no exception, and although you probably realize that it would follow the trends in theory, this post brings how the reality of just...

Why You Should Blur Your House On Google Street View (And How To Do It)

We take for granted these days that so much of our lives are online that sometimes we don’t stop to think about whether or not we want all of our personal information to be so readily available. You’ve probably seen those little Google cars tootling around, mapping your streets and your neighborhood, but did you realize...

16 Things That Happen To Everyone, Even Though We Don’t Talk About It

Every single human being might be a unique individual, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a fair amount of shared experiences. We’re all more alike than we are different, after all. These 16 people think they’ve come up with things that happen to everyone (or at least, they hope they happen to everyone) even...

14 Pretty Wild Things You Might Not Have Known Before Now

For me, one of the best things about life is how there is always something new to learn. No matter how smart you are, no matter how many years of school or decades on the job, life always has secrets to give up if you’re willing to look. If that kind of thing intrigues you,...

Things No One Teaches You In High School – But That You Learn Right Away In College

It’s funny how fast things change when you’re eighteen. One minute you’re a kid living under your parents’ roof with things like chores and curfews and a few months later you’re in college, free to come and go as you please. Along with the mistakes most of us make while we’re figuring out how to...

11 People Who Were Bullied As Kids Talk About How Life Is Now

Now that we have access to the internet and everyone’s childhood experiences, it can certainly seem as if more people were bullied as kids than weren’t – which is sad, but also somehow comforting. These 11 people are looking back on how far they’ve come and thinking about how being bullied shaped them into the...

10 People Talk About How Their “Glow Up” Changed Their Life

Glow-ups are a fact of life, because honestly, I would say that a majority of people do not peak in high school – and that’s good news. Still, some of us were bullied in high school because of our looks, so there can be some truly excellent fallout of becoming more attractive as we age –...

Should A Good Partner Prioritize A Spouse In The Hospital?

There’s no denying that most of us are living pretty busy lives these days. Work, relationships, housekeeping, kids, screaming into the void – it all takes up a lot of our time. When something catastrophic happens, such as an illness or accident, it can really throw a spotlight on where we spend our time (and...