
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

Here Are Some Reasons Certain Animals Rain From The Sky

When you hear stories about insects or animals raining from the sky it can sound apocalyptic, right? Something must be inherently wrong, or so it seems. There are actual reasons that this might happen that don’t include the inevitable end of the world, though, and if you’re curious what they might be, keep reading! That said,...

Mountain Dew Fans, It’s Time To Lather Up

There are people who will drink a Mountain Dew if they see one, and then there are people who love Mountain Dew. It’s their drink of choice, and despite the fact that the electric yellow color alone turns many people off, they are not here for any of your criticisms. If you’re one of the latter types,...

14 People Share The Things They Suspect Everyone Else Is Lying About

There are some things that are just human nature. Sure, all of our experiences are different, but in some ways, we’re all the same. At least, we’re pretty sure about that. These 14 people are also pretty sure we’re all lying about some of the same stuff, and here are the things they suspect no one...

11 People Share The Awkward First Moments Bringing Home A New Partner

You never know how things are going to go when you bring someone new home to meet your family. It honestly probably depends on your family. And the significant other. And maybe how much alcohol is involved. If you’re looking to head off some trouble – or maybe just make yourself feel better about how...

Why This Family Is Fighting About Someone Drinking A Half A Gallon Of Milk At A Wedding

In the world of weird posts in the subreddit Am I The A$$hole, this one just might take the cake – because honestly, who cares about a person drinking milk if that’s what they want? OP is newly sober and was feeling a bit nervous about attending his sister’s wedding with an open bar. Since...

Was This Teenage Girl Wrong To Involve Her Grandfather In “Family” Matters?

There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that being a teenager isn’t easy. That said, there are certain types of parents that make it harder than it has to be, whether that’s what they’re meaning to do or not. This girl lives with her mother and stepfather (her father is not in the picture), the latter...

Would You Open A Box Labeled “Do Not Open” After A Parent’s Demise?

If there’s one lesson that most of us don’t (thankfully) learn until later in life, it’s that navigating the loss of our parents can bring up all sorts of issues and feelings and just…a lot. For this OP, it’s brought up feelings of favoritism toward her sister, and the idea that her sister was always...

Was This Mother Wrong To Take Her Son’s Savings To Pay For Repairs To His Stepbrother’s Car?

There are no shortage of posts about parenting on the subreddit Am I The A$$hole. We’re always second-guessing ourselves, but also wanting to do the best by our kids that we can. This mother tried talking her son down over his jealousy about his stepbrother’s new car. Her son was upset that his mother and...

People Are Loving This “Punny” Vasectomy Care Package

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love a good pun, no matter how hard they groan when they hear one. Not only that, but as a woman, we love hearing about men taking responsibility for birth control! Which are both reasons to love this woman’s take on a vasectomy care package after her fiancee took...

Should This Retail Employee Have Delayed A Customer With A Crying Baby

Anyone who has ever worked in retail knows that it’s a thankless job. The money usually isn’t all that great, the hours can be stressful, and dealing with the public on a daily basis is enough push anyone over the edge. This woman works in a shoe store and had a customer there looking for...

Should This Woman Give Up Her Dogs Because Her Stepson Is Allergic?

We all have those lines in our lives that we have to draw in the sand. The ones we absolutely will not cross no matter what other people want us to do. For this woman, she was able to get over a cheating husband who fathered a child with his lover, but she’s definitely not...

17 Things People Think The Opposite Gender Will Never Understand

There are certain truths that are human, and others that seem to be specific to one biological sex or another. This isn’t true across the board, of course, and everyone’s experience is going to be different. That said, there are some things that seem to be true for more people than not – and these...

14 Things Girls Figure Guys Would Rather Not Know

Human beings might all be the metaphorical same on the inside, but when it comes to anatomy and physiology, we’re definitely not all the same on the inside. Like, at all. There are things about being a woman that aren’t secrets, exactly…there just isn’t a whole lot of reason for you to know if you...

15 Childhood Memories That Most People Have

Life is a different experience for almost everyone. Our environments, our families, the circumstances that are out of our control – they all add up to unique experiences, at least as a whole. That said, there are also some universal experiences that are just part of being human, and we all grow up having at...

15 People Who Overheard Things They Wish They Hadn’t

Eavesdropping might be a terrible habit, but we’ve all done it on occasion. Maybe it’s not even on purpose – you’re doing something like shopping or getting your nails done, minding your business, and someone else is talking just a bit too loud. These people might not have done it one purpose, but that doesn’t...