
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

Person Asks If It’s Ever OK To Bring A Baby To A Child-Free Wedding?

More and more people are requesting that their weddings be childfree. And while it might be inconvenient for those of us with kids and no babysitter nearby, the truth is that it’s their day, it’s their party, and most people respect the wishes of the bride and groom. It’s that or don’t go, right? Apparently...

11 Epileptics Share The Weirdest Comments They’ve Heard

There are all kinds of conditions out there that people don’t understand. It’s difficult to really grasp what it’s like to live with a disease like epilepsy if you haven’t experienced it yourself, after all. That said, there are some questions and comments that are fine and just curious, and then there are…comments like these...

15 People Dish On What They’re Sure Most People Are Lying About

Do you ever look around and feel as if everyone else has their life together, or at least certain aspects of it, while those things are a struggle for you every day? Do you ever think to yourself “what if they’re all just lying?” If so, you’re not alone – and here are 15 things...

16 People Recall The Most Out-Of-Line Thing A Doctor Ever Said To Them

It seems as if more and more people have a healthy distrust of doctors, and for good reason – way too many of us spent far too long trusting doctors who turned out to be jerks in one way or another. Like these 16 people, who surely had to take a few minutes to recover...

17 Actors Who Nailed Roles So Hard No One Else Should Even Try

There are always going to be performances that end up surprising us (Robert Pattinson as Batman, anyone?), but for the most part, there are some iconic roles that can just never be repeated. I have a short list in my mind, and I know that you probably do, too – but let’s check out what...

16 People Share How They Quickly Improved Their Quality Of Life

If we’re not in the best place mentally or financially, it can be hard to imagine that there could be a couple of simple ways to improve things. It seems like anything that could help would cost a ton of money or time we don’t have, right? Well, these 16 people say that’s not true...

17 People Share How Their “Party Animal” College Friends Turned Out

There are a lot of stereotypes that people fall into during their youth. The “good girl,” the “bad boy,” the “party animal,” “jock,” “theater nerd,” etc – we could go on all day. But is what you’re like in high school or college indicative of where you’ll end up as an adult? If you’re curious,...

18 People Share Scams That Are So Normal We’re All Just OK With Them Now

I’ve seen this question going around other places on social media, and so many of the answers really made me stop and think. We’ve been indoctrinated far more than we realize, I think – don’t you? If you’re not sure exactly what I’m talking about, check out what these 18 people say are total scams,...

A Simple Lesson On Why Favors Should Always Go Both Ways

If you’re lucky enough to have spent your life in relative financial security, you might not realize that one of the toughest things about hard times is feeling as if your dignity is tied to your bank account. We know that we all need help sometimes, but asking can still be a difficult thing to...

One Millennial Boss On Why Their Gen Z Staff Is Actually The Best

We hear a lot about the generation wars in the media. It can seem like everyone thinks their way is the best and to heck with everyone else, but in reality, most of us are working together in one way or another. This millennial boss has tons of employees from Gen Z, and if you’re...

12 Of The Most Questionable Things People Sold Online

They say there’s a market for everything. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure and all of that – and the success of both garage sales and thrift stores seems to suggest this is true. At least to an extent. Still, it’s hard to imagine meeting the people who are in the market for these...

Here’s How They Make Double-Edged Shaving Razor Blades

Men (and presumably some women) have been using shape-edged tools to shave the hair from their skin for millennia. I had no idea that cavemen also used to prefer a clean shave to stubble, but according to the Discovery Science Channel series “How It’s Made,” that’s exactly right. Apparently, we’ve always been a bit annoyed...

Woman Tries Rideshare “Name Scam” on Driver And He’s Not Buying It

Ridesharing is one of those cultural things that has gotten more and more common in the past decade. Lyft, Uber, and all similar companies are there to take the place of a taxi in cities where taxies are rare, and to perhaps be a cheaper, cleaner, more flexible alternative to boot. That said, there has...

Watch The Mesmerizing Process Of Restoring This Seven-String Parlor Guitar

The traditional modern acoustic guitar features six strings. If you’re not someone who plays, six strings probably seems like plenty – but did you know that, in some cultures, a seven-string guitar used to be the norm? The extra string is mostly used to extend the bass range (like a low B) or, at the...

These Restaurant Customers Are So Rude They’re Actually Hilarious

If you’re someone who has ever worked in the service industry, nothing about this post is going to surprise you. Because while most people are considerate and do their best to treat service staff well, there have always been those folks so entitled they somehow think it’s a good idea to anger a person with...