
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

The Office Chair That You And Your Pets Totally Need

More and more of us are working from home these days, whether it’s full time, part time, flex time, or some other use of your time, and along with our children, I think our pets have really gotten used to having us around the majority of the time. Somehow, though, being able to access us...

11 People Who Are On A Totally Different Page Than Their Romantic Partner

If you’ve ever done any kind of intentional work on your relationship, you’ve probably read the 5 Love Languages. It’s all about figuring out how you and your partner receive love, and learning how to show the other person they’re cared for even if it’s not the way you perceive love yourself. Relationships are hard in the...

10 Women On Why They Prefer Dating Younger Men

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to dating. Looks, height, job, religion, and yes, even age can play into whether or not a stranger piques our interest. For most people, I think we go out looking for people who are a similar age and experience level as ourselves. For some, though, there are...

People Confess To The Warning Labels They Always Ignore

There are some labels in this life that we see but just can’t be bothered to follow. I mean, we only have so many hours in the day, right? While I might be convinced to hang a few pieces of clothing to dry, there’s no way a busy mom is going to hit up the...

People Get Honest About Jealousy In Polyamorous Relationships

I don’t know about you, but as someone who has never been a part of a polyamorous relationship, I’ve always wondered whether or not people ever get jealous. It seems like it would be hard to avoid, because regardless of their sexuality, people are people and it’s bound to happen. These 11 people who have...

10 Men Reveal That They Get Harassed For Not Wanting Kids, Too

More and more people are making the conscious decision not to have children. They all have their own reasons, and all of them are valid – even if it’s just “I really don’t want to.” That said, there are some people who are still trying to keep up with the rest of us, and think...

People Talk About Why They Gave Their Child Up For Adoption

The decision whether or not to have children is a very personal one, and one that is different for every single person (or couple) who has to make it. There’s no right or wrong answer, especially when you find our you’re expecting a baby that wasn’t planned. If you’re curious why people or couples might...

People Muse On What They Would Do First If They Suddenly Owned Disney

Regardless of whether you’re a huge Disney fan who finds a way to spend time at the parks every year or you’re a casual fan who gets around to seeing the movies eventually, we can all imagine what it would be like to suddenly find ourselves in charge of a huge, profitable, and pretty much...

A Cautionary Tale About Recording Job Interviews Online

No one who has ever been through the job-hunting process would tell you that it’s for the faint of heart – between writing your resume, creating a cover letter that can be easily tailored to a specific employer, answering the online application questions, and then navigating online interviews, it’s just a lot to handle. And...

Woman Wonders If A Nursing Home For A Loved One Is Always A Bad Decision

Making the decision to put a loved one in a nursing home instead of care for them ourselves is one of the toughest of our lives. We want to be able to give them the loving care they gave us over the years, but sometimes – for one reason or another – it’s just not...

Does This Woman Owe Her Fiancee An Apology For Taking Off Her Shoes At A Formal Event?

When two people from totally different backgrounds try merging their lives, surprises often pop up out of nowhere. These two people have known each other long enough to get engaged, but before their engagement party, OP had no idea her fiancee had an issue with the difference in their heights. OP is shorter than him...

Should A Parent Be Able To Control Who Attends Their Child’s Creative Performances?

As parents, we want to protect our kids from the harshness of the world for as long as we can. That can be harder to accomplish, though, when the people they interact with on a regular basis are the ones bringing reality for a visit. This mother wants to ban her mother-in-law from attending her...

Is It Reasonable To Expect A Spouse To Manage Your Medical Condition?

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about love and marriage. They’re different for everyone, but suffice to say, whatever you believe, reality will never quite live up to what you expected. For instance, some people think a spouse’s job is to care for you in the same way that your parents did, and...

Do You Owe Your Child’s Teacher An Explanation When They Miss Class?

It’s our job as parents to not only protect our kids, but to know them better than anyone else. We’re the ones who decide when and why they can stay home from school, for example, and we’re the ones who gauge when the situation warrants a day off. This OP’s daughter required a mental health day...

Woman Thinks Her Brother And His Boyfriend Shouldn’t Wear Rings If They’re Not Really Married. Is She Wrong?

In my experience, anyone who has to begin a story with a disclaimer about how tolerant they are is typically the opposite (or very near it). In this case we get a beginning that goes “I’m not homophobic, but…” and goes downhill from there. OP is a woman living in Romania, where gay marriage is...