
How Would You React If Your Partner Sold Your Cat? The Internet Responded.

If you’re a regular reader of the subreddit Am I the A$$hole, you know there are a disturbing amount of people who have had their romantic partner take serious issue with their pets. You also know that the good people of Reddit almost always side with the pet, so you can probably guess how this...

Boss Fires an Employee Returning From Maternity Leave and Asks The Internet if They’re Wrong. And Yeah…

Working moms have it rough in America. A majority don’t get paid maternity leave, which means they end up back at work sooner than they would like, only to feel as if they’re looked down upon for having a baby at all. This post that proves that even when a person does get “enough” maternity leave,...

What Would You Do If You Knew Your Son’s Best Friend Didn’t Have Enough To Eat

Being a mom is an experience you can’t fully understand until you’ve done it – and it comes part and parcel with a lot of feelings, I can tell you that. It’s not only your kid that you feel for, it’s suddenly all kids, because the Mama Bear instinct is strong. This woman’s son has a...

Should This Woman Have Stopped Her Father From Cutting Down A Beloved Tree?

Some people don’t get tree hugging, but for others, trees are as much family as are pets. They can hold a lot of sentimental value. OP in this case is married to a man who is renting his aunt’s property. She moved in there too after the wedding, because the cheap rent allows the two...

How Would You React If A Family Member Told Your Adopted Daughter She Couldn’t Have A Family Heirloom?

I would like to believe that anyone who adopts loves that child as much as they would love a child they gave birth to themselves – they’re family, legally and in every other way imaginable, and to treat them any differently would negate any good done by the adoption in the first place. OP definitely...

He Got a Makeover to Mess With His Brother-In-Law. Was He Wrong?

You don’t really hear about too many men getting makeovers, do you? Well, at least I can say that I haven’t heard of it too often… But that’s what happened in this story that a guy shared on the “Am I the A**hole?” page on Reddit. And he wants to know if he was a...

She Asked Her Parents Why Her Wedding Gift Was Smaller Than Her Sister’s. Was She Out of Line?

Are parents supposed to give their children equal gifts when they get married? I think the jury might still be out on that one… But we’re gonna find out what some folks think about it today based on this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page. Check out the story below and see what...

She Asked Her Daughter-In-Law to Seek Help. Is She Wrong?

It’s always a tough discussion to have with someone… I’m talking about when you suggest that someone you love gets some help. Maybe it’s substance a**se, maybe it’s for mental health reasons, but it’ll always be emotional. So was this woman wrong for suggesting that her daughter-in-law get help? Check out the story below and...

Teenager Asks if She’s Wrong for Calling Out Her Dad and Her Stepdad

Sometimes, you just gotta call people out in life… And sometimes, those people happen to be your dad and your stepdad… Yikes! That sure doesn’t sound good! But let’s get all the facts before we jump to conclusions, okay? Dive in below! AITA for calling out my dad and stepdad? “I (16f) have a twin...

Is She Wrong for Embarrassing Her Female Co-Worker? People Responded.

Even if you don’t intentionally mean to embarrass someone, you should always own up to it and apologize if it happens… And a woman took to Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page to ask if she went too far when she embarrassed a co-worker. Read on to see what happened here… AITA for embarrassing our...

Is He Wrong for Pointing Out That His Wife Sabotages Their Daughters? People Responded.

Hmmmm…it sounds like there’s some friction going on here between the guy who wrote this post and his wife… And, as we all know, that’s never a good thing… But did he go too far by pointing out something he’s not happy with to his wife? Check out his story below and let us know...

She Told Her Sister to Worry About Her Own Kid’s Names and Not Worry About Hers. Is She a Jerk?

You worry about your own business and I’ll worry about mine! Oh, boy, it definitely sounds like there is some bad blood here… So let’s get into the nitty-gritty and find out what’s going on in this story from the “Am I the A**hole?” page on Reddit. Take a look! AITA for telling my sister...

Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Buying Her Daughter Personalized Stationary for School So It Can’t Be Redistributed in Class

I don’t have kids, so the concept of sharing school supplies with other kids is kind of foreign to me. Has it always been this way? I don’t remember this from my own childhood, but that was a long time ago and the memories are pretty hazy… But back to this story: is this woman...

Is She Wrong for Forcing Her Father to Pay Child Support? Here’s What People Said.

I’m not gonna give too much away here, but the woman in this story sounds pretty fired up about her dad…and for good reason! But did she go too far in this situation? That’s the big question at the heart of this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page. Read on to get all...