
Raising Teens Is Tough, But Can We Push Them Too Hard?

Parenting is tough in all stages, but I suspect that raising teenagers takes the most amount of self-control. Sure, we can remind ourselves that their brains are undeveloped and their hormones are out of control, but when they’re acting out in public, restraint can be a struggle. This woman and her parents were trying to...

13 People Who Can’t Resist Scamming The Scammers

Cell phone technology is great, and one of my favorite features is how you can set your phone up to tell you when a call from an unknown number is likely a scam. Now, I don’t personally answer calls from unknown numbers (or anyone but my mom) anyway, but still – it’s nice, right? Like...

What Hygiene Tips Should Everyone Know? People Shared Their Thoughts.

People…I implore you…please floss your teeth! I’m not saying you have to do it every single day, but at least try to do it a few times a week. You’ll thank me later! What hygiene tips do you think everyone should know? Here’s how AskReddit users responded to that question. 1. Better than nothing. “If...

What Common Knowledge Did You Find Out Late in Life? Here’s What People Said.

I had a friend when I was younger who thought the word “primadonna” meant “Pre-Madonna”, as in the time before the famous pop star was around. Yeah, we all got a HUGE kick out of that one and never let him forget about it. What common knowledge did you find out late in life? Here’s...

What’s Something People Don’t Like for No Reason? Here’s What People Said.

Some things out there get a lot of grief for no reason. Certain celebrities, trends, politicians, etc. get caught in a firestorm of criticism…and maybe none of those people and things really deserve it. Let’s hear from AskReddit users about what they think people don’t like for no good reason. 1. LOL. “Actors because of...

What Would Make Your Life a Little Bit Better Right Now? Here’s What People Said.

What do you think would make your life a little bit better right now? Some more money? A solid relationship? A better home life? Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this, and we hope we hear from you in the comments. 1. Just a bit. “A bit of money. About $7,000. Pay...

What’s a Subtle Sign That Someone Isn’t a Good Person? Here’s What People Said.

Sometimes it’s just a look in their eye…or an offhanded comment…or the way they react to something strangely… I’m talking about subtle signs that someone isn’t a good person. And today we’re going to hear from AskReddit users about what they think about this. Take a look. 1. Uh oh. “When they see someone else’s...

What Job Is Easy and Pays Well? People Responded.

Believe it or not, there are quite a few jobs out there that are pretty easy and that pay folks a whole lot of money… And we’re gonna learn about a whole bunch of those occupations today! Check out what people had to say about this on AskReddit. 1. Where you headed? “I’m a Limo...

What Inventions Do You Want to See in Your Lifetime? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Yes, we’ve made great advancements as humans over the last several decades, but we want more, baby! I’m talking about inventions to make our lives easier and more enjoyable…so what would you like to see come true? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. Okay… “Dental regrowth would be friggin sweet! Expensive…but sweet…” 2. A cure....

12 Items Bigger Than 3.4 Ounces That Can Go In Your Carry-On

Flying post 9/11 is a hassle that none of us asked for, but that we all go along with because we have no choice. We take off our shoes, we put our electronics in their own bin, and yes, we buy tiny little bottles and transfer our shampoos, conditioners, etc into them to avoid checked...

Here’s Proof That Little Things In Relationships Can Actually Be Big Things

Every relationship is different, because every person brings their own unique take on life and love to the table – and that take is always changing as we grow and (hopefully) mature. Sometimes people’s “quirks” can wear on us over time, and if they won’t listen about how they bother us, what then? This OP...

Woman Wonders Whether Or Not Bad Allergies Are A Good Enough Reason To Turn Down A Friend’s Invitation

Everyone with a heart wants to do their best to be a good friend. We want to be there for the people who are there for us, and everyone knows that a 21st birthday is a big event. OP’s friend is turning 21 and planning a big party, the details of which were secret for...

What’s a Secret From the Industry You Work In? Here’s What People Said.

One of the fun things about working different jobs is learning the tricks of the trade of whatever industries you happen to dip your toe into. For instance, in the past, I’ve worked in restaurants, on film sets, and I worked at two different museums. And it was interesting to find out how those places...

What Fast Food Restaurant Should Go Out of Business? Here’s What People Said.

Do some fast food chains wear out their welcomes with people eventually? Apparently, the answer is YES, because you’re about to hear from folks on AskReddit about the fast food restaurants that they think should go out of business. Let’s see what they had to say. 1. Say it ain’t so. “Quizno’s. From what I’ve...