How Soon Is Too Soon For Houseguests After Baby?
Listen, I know that we’re supposed to keep an open mind when it comes to reading AITA posts. The headlines can be misleading and we can end up being swayed by the details in the end – it happens all the time. That said, I’m going to go out on a limb and say anytime...
Does Every Dude With His Own House Deserve A Man Cave?
Different folks have different dreams in life, but I know that for some men, having their own “man cave” space at home can be something they really strive for. That said, if you’re buying a house with a partner, you’ll probably want to discuss with them if and which sections of the house will be...
10 Pictures That Really Are Worth A Thousand Words
Have you ever seen a sign or note that made you do a double-take? Not that you don’t understand what it means or what it’s trying to communicate, but just…the fact that it needs to be written at all is tough to compute? That’s exactly what these 10 pictures were like for me, because even...
11 Pictures That Will Make You Go…Wait, What?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I don’t know – sometimes you can stare and stare at something and it just still doesn’t make sense. Words are actually still necessary, as it turns out. Especially when it comes to these 11 pictures which just left me asking myself what on earth...
Was This Girl Wrong For Installing A Camera Without Telling Her Roommates?
It seems like a no-brainer that you shouldn’t install cameras or other recording devices in your home without everyone else who lives there being on board, but are there ever exception to that rule? This OP thinks she found one, because after living with three roommates for awhile and no one fessing up to stealing...
Are Bad Table Manners A Reason To End A Relationship?
I don’t know about you, but if I go out to dinner with a person over the age of say, 10, I expect them to hav decent table manners. You know, the basics – use a napkin, choose your silverware over your hands, be polite to the staff, don’t burp at the table. If I...
Is It Ever OK To Force A Vegetarian Into Eating Meat?
People make dietary choices for all kinds of reasons – health, ethics, personal preference – and I would venture to guess that almost none of them (that last) are made or kept on a whim. This girl has been dating her boyfriend for two years and he’s been a vegetarian the entire time, so I’m...
17 People Reveal How You Can Make Them Dislike You Instantly
I think every one of us has pet peeves in life, whether it’s with products, media, or other people. We have those hard lines in the sand (like when people eat ice or chew with their mouths open) that we can’t cross no matter what, right? These 17 people are chomping at the bit to...
18 Inedible Things People Would Nosh If They Could
One of the things I find most charming about Reddit is how people come up with questions that are totally random, completely impossible, and not anything I would have thought of or considered on my own. This question, which is “if everything in the world that’s inedible became edible, what would you eat first,” definitely...
24 Shower Thoughts From Some Real Philosophers
I don’t know about you, but I love hearing what other people think in the shower. If I get in there with no music on, no audiobook playing, and no kids screaming in the background (a real trick these days!) I honestly never know what’s going to come to mind – but I’m always excited...
17 People Share The Unethical Practices They’ve Seen In Schools
We all want to think that schools are somewhere we can send our kids without having to worry about their health and safety – mental or physical – but in reality, we should realize that there is corruption and dishonesty in every profession. These 17 people have been shocked at the unethical practices they’ve seen...
16 People Who Thought They Had The Right Word But Definitely Didn’t
As a kid, one of the toughest things about being a big nerdy reader was that even though I knew the definition and spelling of just about every word I’d come across, I sometimes didn’t know how to say them out loud. This led to some serious embarrassment on a few occasions, one of which...
18 Times People Hilariously Used The Totally Wrong Word
Listen, talking is hard, y’all. English is hard, too, whether it’s your first language or not, and I don’t know about you but the older I get, the more contending with brain fog has become a daily freaking challenge. Which is why I’m both willing to laugh and sympathize with these 18 people who gave...
18 Reasons Millennials Really Have Had It Rough
The discourse online can be pretty dismissive of the Millennial plight in life, with the older and younger generations both acting as if somehow this generation between them (because we all forget about GenX) has just failed at life without any provocation at all. The Millennial generation would dispute that, though, and here are 18...
20 Posts That Reveal The Truth About Millennial Life
I know that Millennials get a bad rap on the internet, but half of the time people think they’re talking to Millennials but are actually talking to “kid’s today,” so most of it’s not really fair. If you actually live the millennial life or you know, understand why they have the gripes that they do, then...