14 Totally Random But Ultimately Cool Charts
There are two kinds of people in this world, y’all – people who can take or leave a random but interesting chart and people who live and die to see every kind of chart they can get their hands on. If you’re the latter type, I’m guessing that’s why you’re here – and we don’t...
15 Of The Most Selfish Humans Around
Trust me, we don’t make these accusations lightly, because we all know that for every selfish jerk you read about on the internet there are 15 more waiting in the wings to try to outdo him. That said, we think these 15 people must be ranked pretty high up there…and if they’re not, we’re going...
20 Times Food Packaging Was A Total Liar
One of the most disheartening experiences in life is when you grab some food off the shelf, totally excited to try it and dive into something new, only to get home and open the package to find…not at all what you expected. Sometimes the damage is minimal, but other times? It’s too horrific to recount...
16 Memes Twitter Couldn’t Live Without
Listen, I know that memes can seem like they’re a dime a dozen. That you think that you’ve seen them all, and honestly, only a handful of them are worth your time, but listen – when we say these 16 are the best of the best, we mean it. These are the memes that define...
14 People Who Had To Make Signs To Shame Their Neighbors
Y’all, people are just too much sometimes, you know? Most of us are out here trying to do the right thing by the other human beings, being kind and you know, not jacking stuff that isn’t ours, but listen. Not everyone is on the straight and narrow. Most of the time if someone takes something...
15 Side-By-Side Photos That Put A Lump In My Throat
There is so much news out there, so many stories, that are designed and exist just to make us angry, to shock us, or that hope to call us to action. Those emotions are always there, bubbling right below the surface, ready to be set loose by the next horrible story. That’s why I absolutely...
15 Things That Shouldn’t Cost A Dime
Of course, we know that everything in life can’t be free – but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things in the world that should be free, just because we’re human. In a world where it seems like corporations are out to squeeze every last time out of every last one of us, here are 15 things...
25 Things People Are Very Happy Actually Exist
I feel like we talk a lot about the things in society that shouldn’t exist, or that we wish didn’t exist, or that we would be better off if we could get rid of, but what about the things we’re really thankful for? We are lucky, after all, to be living in this day and...
16 MLM Messages That You May Have Gotten… Probably
Sometimes it can seem like people from high school only exist on social media for a couple of reasons. One of them can be to genuinely reconnect with old friends, but more common are the ones who want to remind you why you don’t want to connect with old friends – and the ones who...
15 Small Townies Share Their Best Local Scandals
Anyone who has ever lived in a small town knows that the charm of everyone knowing everyone else wears off pretty quickly – because that also means that everyone else knows your business (and has opinions on it, too). From the outside, though, the small-town kerfuffles can be pretty funny to hear about – and...
17 Non-Brits Have Some Great Question For The Brits Among Us
I think most of us have questions now and again about cultures other than our own, right? It’s only natural, when we know they do things differently and we want to understand why – maybe to laugh, but maybe also a little bit because we’re wondering if we should switch things up, too. Here are...
10 People Who Got Married Despite Family Objections
Weddings tend to bring out the drama in our lives, and in the people who claim to love and support us as well. There’s the money, the fact that we’re entering a big change in our lives, and I don’t know what else, but it’s nuts. I can’t imagine going through all of that and...
16 People on the Strangest Coincidence They’ve Ever Experienced
Everyone experiences a weird coincidence here and there, if you live long enough they’ll always keep coming. Some are small and easily explained while others feel like they could never happen again in a million years. These 16 people have some doozies to share, and if you don’t already, these just might have you believing...
14 Pricey Purchases That Paid Off In The Long Run
There are two types of people in this world – people who throw caution to the wind and buy what they want and need when they want and need it, and people who hem and haw over every purchase and every last penny, wondering whether or not it’s going to be worth it in the...
15 Truckers Recall Some Wild Encounters On The Road
I think that there are a few professions in the world where people get access to people’s personal lives, but as a trucker, it’s all kind of accidental. You’re up there, driving above everyone and minding your own business, but you can’t help look around see what you see. These 15 truckers have gotten glimpses...