
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

Would You Be OK With Letting Your Mother-In-Law Choose Your Wedding Dress?

As cheesy as it sounds, I would venture a guess that there are a good many women out there who have had some kind of idea what they would like their wedding to look like one day. I’m sure men think about it too, but when it comes to things like dresses, flowers, decor, and...

Should This Woman Give In And Let An Infertile Friend Name Her Baby?

Picking a name for a baby is a long process for many couples, since not everyone likes the same names. Agreements can be hard to come by even in the most amicable relationships, though I think a majority of couples do agree on the fact that the two parents should come to a joint decision...

Was This Woman Wrong To Leave Her Boyfriend At A Restaurant Unable To Pay?

If we were going to make a list of things that upset relationships, both in the beginning, the end, and in the middle, I have to think that money would be near the top of it. OP here and her boyfriend have been dating for around 9 months. He has two small children who “love...

This Young Woman Describes A Classic Controlling Relationship Without Even Knowing It

The older women get, the less likely they are to put up with crap from their romantic (or platonic, for that matter) partners, family, and friends. We learn as we go, and life experience is often, unfortunately, gained the hard way. This young lady is engaged to a man who does not get along with...

Was This Woman Wrong To Cut Off Her Sister’s Free Babysitting Without Warning?

Everyone who has children needs help and support, and sometimes even a break to be able to come back to their kids as their best selves. The proverbial village, if you will. That said, I think most of us arrange that sort of thing in advance, and also do our best not to take advantage...

This Woman’s Nephew Wants Her Dog – Was She Wrong To Say No?

I don’t know many people who aren’t super attached to their dogs – they’re members of the family, after all, and no one wants to give them up without a very good reason. But what if multiple people are attached to the dog, and suddenly they’re not all residing under the same roof? OP took...

Is It Really Funny To Share Embarrassing Stories About Your Friends? Person Shares Their Story.

I would venture a guess that many people go through a phase in their lives when they are less than empathetic toward others. I would also say that the majority of people grow out of it when they realize no one is going to want to be friends with them if they don’t cut it...

This Man’s Post Offers Insight On Relationship Struggles And State of Mind

Relationships are not easy, and in this day and age of social media access, we tend to get tricked into thinking they might be easy for other people. You never know what’s going on behind the scenes of someone else’s relationship is always a mystery unless they choose to share, though, and this OP is...

How Would You React If Your Partner Sold Your Cat? The Internet Responded.

If you’re a regular reader of the subreddit Am I the A$$hole, you know there are a disturbing amount of people who have had their romantic partner take serious issue with their pets. You also know that the good people of Reddit almost always side with the pet, so you can probably guess how this...

Boss Fires an Employee Returning From Maternity Leave and Asks The Internet if They’re Wrong. And Yeah…

Working moms have it rough in America. A majority don’t get paid maternity leave, which means they end up back at work sooner than they would like, only to feel as if they’re looked down upon for having a baby at all. This post that proves that even when a person does get “enough” maternity leave,...

What Would You Do If You Knew Your Son’s Best Friend Didn’t Have Enough To Eat

Being a mom is an experience you can’t fully understand until you’ve done it – and it comes part and parcel with a lot of feelings, I can tell you that. It’s not only your kid that you feel for, it’s suddenly all kids, because the Mama Bear instinct is strong. This woman’s son has a...

Should This Woman Have Stopped Her Father From Cutting Down A Beloved Tree?

Some people don’t get tree hugging, but for others, trees are as much family as are pets. They can hold a lot of sentimental value. OP in this case is married to a man who is renting his aunt’s property. She moved in there too after the wedding, because the cheap rent allows the two...

How Would You React If A Family Member Told Your Adopted Daughter She Couldn’t Have A Family Heirloom?

I would like to believe that anyone who adopts loves that child as much as they would love a child they gave birth to themselves – they’re family, legally and in every other way imaginable, and to treat them any differently would negate any good done by the adoption in the first place. OP definitely...

Four Colors That Could Help You Avoid Mosquito Bites

Despite the rising temperatures, most of us won’t argue that there’s something special about summer. Even once you’re past the days of breaks and freedom, the warmth of the sun, the slap of the water, the smell of chlorine, the sounds of a summer night – they’re pretty great, right? What’s not so great is the...

Why Hydrogen Peroxide Always Comes In A Brown Bottle

The majority of the items in your medicine cabinet (or drawer or shelf) are probably white or orange underneath their more unique and recognizable packaging. You can always find that bottle of hydrogen peroxide when you need it a few times a year, though, because it’s always a dark, opaque brown – and it turns...