
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

17 People Dream About What They Would Blow Their Lotto Winnings On If They Had Them

Most of us will never know what it feels like to come into a windfall of cash the way you do when you win the lottery – but that doesn’t stop us from dreaming, right? We all spend time planning what we would do with a bunch of free money, though, and I would venture...

21 People Invent “Honest Slogans” For Popular Brands

We all have our favorite brands – and the ones we’re not so keen on – but I think that no matter what, we can agree that there’s no truth in advertising. Or at least, very little. These 21 people are spending time coming up with hilariously accurate slogans for some popular brands, and I...

20 People Share The Cool Facts They Really Love

There are an infinite number of cool facts in the world. Of course what makes something cool to you is fairly subjective, though I think we can all agree that some facts are more universally interesting than others. These 20 people have some favorite facts they just love to share, so take a look and...

18 People Reveal Their Age And Their Biggest Life Problem

Every stage of life is hard in its own way, though I do think that some are innately rougher than others. It can be interesting to hear about the troubles people are having who are your age – and the troubles that are plaguing people significantly younger or older than you are. If you’re curious...

This Woman Let Her Struggling Friends Move In… But Now They’re Pushing Her Too Far

At one time or another, most of us have been warned against doing financial favors for friends or family. There are too many pitfalls, and too many ways for people to get upset, resentful, and for friendships to suffer – or totally cease – because of it. There are still those of us learning things...

Should This Woman Have Been Thankful When Her Boyfriend Bought Her Knockoff Perfume?

Relationships are not at all easy, and there is a learning curve in general, and then with every single new one you enter into, but listen…some people are starting so far behind the 8-ball I have no idea how they will ever catch up. Like this dude, who comes in hot with one of the...

When Is The Right Time To Give Your Family Some Tough Love?

We’ve talked before (many times) on AITA about how weddings tend to ratchet up any already-present family tension to unheard of levels. People get truly unhinged about the smallest things surrounding wedding plans, I swear. That’s when some family member or friend usually chooses to unleash some tough love, which can honestly go either way...

How Do You Tell Your In-Laws That Next Door Is Too Close?

Everybody Loves Raymond was a popular television show, but I think most of us can easily understand why Debra was never that thrilled about living close enough to throw stones at her in-laws house. This person is staring at possibly living that scenario out in real life, and while she’s ok with her in-laws living...

If You Cause Someone’s Allergic Reaction, Should You Have To Pay Their Bills?

As someone with anaphylactic peanut allergy, I feel a kinship with this post (in some ways). People with allergies are always responsible for their own well-being, and we do things like vet what we eat, what we touch, and pay for expensive epipens to give ourselves the best shot at not dying. That said, I...

10 Conversations That Took A Hilarious Turn

Have you ever had that experience, the one where you think you know where a conversation or a comment thread was going and then all of the sudden BAM – it turns a direction you literally never saw coming? Those can be uncomfortable, but they can also be hilarious – and these 10 posts are...

11 People Describe Situations That Escalated Quickly

You’ve probably heard someone say or seen someone type “well that escalated quickly” when a conversation goes from 0 to 60 on the confrontation scale in no time flat. The comment can diffuse things, actually. It can earn a laugh when we really, really need to break the tension – which is why I hope someone...

13 Sweet Moments That Belong In A Romance Novel

Real life isn’t usually like your favorite romantic book or movie, and honestly, once you remember how much crap the heroes and heroines have to go through to get their happy endings, you might actually be glad. That is until you read about these 13 sweet, sweet real-life moments that almost seem too good to...

16 Moments That Belong In A Romance Novel

Romance novels get a bad rap, but they’re actually great. They make people happy, they let us safely play out our fantasies, and readers love picking up a novel and knowing exactly what they’re getting at the end. If you’re someone who loves romance novels (or Hallmark movies), then let me tell you, you’re going...

10 Funny Suggestions For Facebook’s Re-Brand

Facebook has been in the news lately, and most of it hasn’t been that great for the social media giant. They’re looking for ways to shore up their image (among other things), and one of the suggestions that seems to be taking hold is a brand new name. While they try to figure out if...

11 Hilarious Suggestions For Facebook’s New Name

I’m sure you’ve heard around the interwebs by now that Facebook is seriously considering changing its name. The jury is still out on if and what the social media giant will choose, but while we wait, why not have a little fun? Here are 11 pretty funny suggestions from the peanut gallery in the meantime....