
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

17 World Records That Folks Think Will Stand Forever

When people break a record, whether it’s sports, something random, or something that’s even out of our control, I think we have to assume that someone, somewhere, someday, is going to break them. It’s the nature of records, after all – they’re made to be broken and all of that. Even so, some of them...

Dad Asks if He’s Wrong for Choosing His Daughter Over His Struggling Girlfriend

Relationships are hard across the board, but for parents who are juggling their children’s feelings against their own happiness in a new relationship, the road can be rocky indeed. In this case, OP finds himself stuck between his young daughter, who he keeps a few days a week, and his girlfriend, who is losing her...

Man Takes Revenge After His Employer Refuses to Let Him Take Time Off After His Mother Passes Away

There are so many good places to work that are run by decent human beings who truly do their best to do right by their employees. Sadly, there are a fair amount of places and managers who are the exact opposite. They treat people poorly, and even sometimes take advantage of them to the point...

Should Child Support ONLY Pay For A Child’s Current Expenses?

There’s no one in the world who is not going to argue that marriage isn’t hard (or relationships in general aren’t hard), and adding kids into the mix makes things harder, not easier. And when two people who have children decide to get divorced, then have to still co-parent for years to come? Super hard....

17 Brand Names People Say Are 100% Worth The Money

There are some things in life where the generic is going to do you just fine – and other things where paying a bit more for the “brand name” will leave you a much happier customer in the end, despite the price. It can be hard to know which is which, though, unless you’ve already...

15 People Describe The Absolute Worst Places They’ve Seen

If you’re a person who takes road trips, or who travels across any country fairly often, chances are you’ve stopped in some pretty gross and sketchy places – or at least you did before you had to worry so much about other people’s germs. It takes quite an impression, then, for a spot to earn...

14 People Share Their Reasons For Walking Out Of A Job Interview

Getting to the interview part of a job search can be an exciting time, and most of us hope that it will be the beginning of the end to what is a grueling and not-at-all fun process. You’d think it would take a pretty strong reason, then, for someone to get up and walk out...

16 People Recall The Funniest Comments They’ve Made To A Doctor

When you’re young, you can be a bit uptight about things that might be embarrassing, and bodies are probably close to the top of the list. The older you get the more you realize that not only does everyone have a body, but they’re also inherently funny – at least, I have. Of course, when...

16 Recent Posts That Should Be Good For A Laugh Today

Did you ever think about how many sayings there are about laughter and laughing? It’s the best medicine, you have to laugh so you don’t cry, and on and on – and I think that’s because laughing is literally the best and fastest way to turn a day completely around. If you’re in need of...

16 LinkedIn Posts That Will Make You Cringe

While most people use LinkedIn for all things related to searching for a new job, there are actually a few who use it as their primary social media outlet – and who consider themselves “LinkedInfluencers.” They post a lot of stuff about the “hustle” and being an “entrepreneur” and basically, every buzzword that makes a...

16 People Dish On The Worst Place They’ve Ever Been

We have a tendency to be hard on the places we live, unless they’ve always been “home” to us – it will never be as fun, or homey, or safe as the place we grew up. Likewise, when we’re visiting a new place we can build it up in our mind, which sometimes leads to...

16 People Share Historical Events They Think Are Too Bizarre To Have Really Happened

I’m sure that you’ve heard the saying “truth is stranger than fiction” and I can attest as a writer that this is definitely true – there are real, true stories from the past that would never fly as the plot for a novel because no one would believe it. Still, they can be pretty fun...

17 People Talk About Why They’re Not In A Relationship

Most of us will spend our lives both single and in relationships – maybe we’ll live one way for longer than the other, but chances are we’ll get to experience both. We know, then, how we prefer to live, and with enough introspection we can even figure out why. These 17 single people are looking...

16 Awful Things From the 80s and 90s That We’ve Conveniently Forgotten

Have you had one of those moments, the ones where you want to show or tell a younger person something from your childhood only to realize that there are pieces of it that are just not suitable for modern sensibilities at ALL? No? Well, most Millennials and GenXers I know definitely have, and from those...

17 Creepy Stories About Places That Shouldn’t Exist

Abandoned spots are some of the creepiest places on the planet. I don’t know why this is true but it definitely is – if you’ve ever stepped into a town or a building that has been totally forgotten by everyone who ever knew it existed, you’ll know exactly what I mean. And if you want...