
Posts by Jean M. Ward

12 Secrets That Landlords Revealed About Their Tenants

Sometimes I think being a landlord would be a nice way to earn passive income. But then I read stories like these about just what it means to be a landlord in this day and age, and I’m not so sure. 1. Collecting rent isn’t easy And sometimes, your tenants will try to get even....

Alaskan Beads Reveal Secrets about America’s Past

It’s sort of crazy to think that people are still discovering new information about our “recent” (in historical terms) past. In January, two researchers in Fairbanks, Alaska did just that. They took their field by storm, when they announced that they could prove European traders had made their way to Alaska before Columbus ever set...

How Lava Lamps Are Protecting You from Hackers

Everyone is worried about data encryption and cybersecurity these days. I’m certainly no stranger to the concept. I think my credit card has now been skimmed 3 times in 2 years, but 2020 was 5 years long, so I may have lost count. That’s where cybersecurity companies like San Francisco based Cloudflare come in, bringing...

13 Sick Reasons People Lost Their Jobs

Losing your job is the worst. It can mess with your head and your self confidence. Getting fired brings so any new worries, at a time when you don’t have the headspace to deal with them. But it’s even worse, when you’ve already got a lot going on. 1. How long is too long though?...

12 Terrible Reasons People’s Bosses Gave Them the Axe

No one likes to lose their job. When the economy takes a turn for the worse, sometimes it can’t be helped. And then there are times when it seems like maybe the boss is to blame. Here are 12 reasons why some truly bad bosses gave their employees the axe. 1. They say “know your...

11 Off-the-Wall Reasons People Were Fired from Their Jobs

Going to work every day can be soul-sucking all on its own. But we all have to pay the rent, so losing your job is typically worse. And then there are jobs like these, where getting fired almost seems like a blessing in disguise. Here are 11 absolutely out-there reasons that people were given for...

12 People Share the Crazy First Dates They’ll Never Forget

First dates are hard. Like when you go to a movie and it turns out to be A History of Violence and people actually walk out of the theater at one point. Some first dates can be pretty forgettable. But no one is apt to forget these any time soon. Here are 12 first dates...

Scientists Say There Could Be 36 Alien Civilizations Residing in the Milky Way

The X-Files. Roswell. Little green men. We’ve all wondered–could there be, not just life, but intelligent life, out there? And while relative intelligence of life on Earth could be debatable, two scientists from the University of Nottingham have a new theory that suggests there is. 36 different potential civilizations, to be exact. How can scientists...

Who Pays the Bills When Presidents Leave Office?

After U.S. presidents leave office, who pays the bills? Oftentimes they write memoirs, collect speaking fees, or head foundations for charitable work. 27th President William Taft became a Supreme Court Justice! George W. Bush likes to paint. Happy Presidents' Day. Did you know George Bush loved to paint world leaders AND pet portraits? pic.twitter.com/UiRsfWfUA7 —...

12 Times the Customer Was Not Right

It’s supposed to be good business to operate under the assumption that “the customer is always right.” Although in practice that never seems to work out in my favor. But sometimes the customer makes a downright bold move, as though trying to test this statement to the limits. Here are 12 times when a customer’s...

10 Customers Who Should Have Been Banned for Life

I have long said that everyone should be forced to work in customer service at some point in their lives. If nothing else, I think it would help people to be better, more empathetic customers. Sadly, people behave in some pretty astounding ways when they are out in public, like these 10 customers who had...

11 Women Confess Why They Hide Their Engagement Rings

Whether they’re not comfortable flashing their bling, or they want to hide their impending nuptials from nosy neighbors, it’s not all that unusual for women to forgo wearing the traditional engagement ring. And why not? Men don’t usually wear one either. So here are the top ten reasons why women skip the engagement ring these...

Tweet Explains Why It’s Better to Be Kind Than Nice

It takes a minute to digest that statement, doesn’t it? It’s better to be kind than nice. But when it comes down to it, it just might be true. Recently somebody tweeted the following… When I describe East Coast vs West Coast culture to my friends I often say "The East Coast is kind but...

These Adorable Memes Made Us Want a Doggo

Lately it seems like everyone has puppy fever, and it’s no wonder. Fluffy or short-haired, energetic or cranky, dogs really do make the best friends. Check out these 14 adorable dog memes that will have you consider adding a new member to your family. 1. Some would call it a royal family Me. I would...

16 Tweets That Prove Office Culture Is Ridiculous

Trying to avoid the doom-scroll, but need something to browse on your coffee break? Not to worry. We’ve got you covered with these 16 stunningly accurate tweets about office life, proving that office culture isn’t all its cracked up to be. 1. All the email, all the time Please just leave me alone. “I hope...