12 Posts We Think Will Make You Smile
We all have days and weeks now and again when we can just use a smile – or maybe even a laugh. Lately it seems as if we have more of those weeks than not, and it can be tough to know where to find mirth and good-hearted jokes sometimes when everyone else seems so...
10 Historical Facts You Won’t Be Sorry You’ve Learned
There are never enough Twitter accounts – or social media accounts in general – that share interesting facts about history, archaeology, and the like. At least, not if you ask me. And I must not be alone, because whenever an account pops up that shares great facts, it never takes long for them to amass...
11 Super Interesting Historical (And Archeological) Facts
If you, like me, are obsessed with all things history, then you know that the internet is an especially magical place. There are facts everywhere you look, and experts on just about every niche you can imagine are lurking right out in the open and happy to share their knowledge with whoever wants to listen....
13 Completely Horrifying Images Of Food
When I think of food, I really don’t think of it being particularly scary. That said, I also never considered purposely making monstrosities out of perfectly edible food, either…but these people did. I’d like to put a warning here for everyone who is about to continue scrolling – because these 13 pictures might actually make...
14 Pieces Of Food That Just Might Ruin Your Appetite Forever
I know that we often joke about wishing something would ruin our robust appetite for food, because a great meal or scrumptious dessert can be one of the hardest things to enjoy in moderation – even though we know that for our health, that’s exactly what we need to do. We don’t really mean it, though,...
15 Legal – But Not Exactly Ethical – Ways To Make Some Cash
We all want to have enough money to feel secure in life, and to have at least a little leftover to have some fun, buy our kids nice things, and take some vacations, right? Also, you probably realize by now that when it comes to ethics and morals, humans definitely have a sliding scale. So,...
13 People Discuss What Topics Should Be Off Limits In Comedy
Comedy is known for being subversive and delivering poignant (and funny) observations about tough and/or dark topics, but is there a line? It seems like there is, because we’ve seen certain comedians cross it – and while not being funny at all – but what is it? These 13 people are discussing what makes a...
Is It Wrong To Refuse To Let Your Child Skip A Grade?
Parenting is a rough gig, y’all, there’s no doubt about it. Some days it feels as if there’s no way to win, even though most of us are always trying to do the best by our kids. This woman had no ill intentions when trying to decide whether or not to let her younger child...
14 Things That Might Be Legal, But Will Still Creep Some Folks Out
As someone who is obsessed with true crime, I can attest to the fact that there are far more people in this world acting creepy than people who are actually going to ever do something illegal. You can be totally creepy, it turns out, and not break one single law – like these 14 acts,...
17 Hyped Products That Turned Out To Be Huge, Embarrassing Failures
When an advertising and marketing machine really gets behind a new property or product, it does its job well – we all get hyped up, we look forward to its release, and sometimes we even stand in line in the middle of the night. Even though we’ve been burned on more than one occasion, as...
16 People Think On What Things Seem To Be Slowly Disappearing
If you’re a Millennial or a member of Generation X (or that micro-generation in between) there’s almost 100% chance that the world we live in today looks completely different from the world you grew up in. Our lives have changed in pretty much every single way imaginable since we came of age, and for the...
14 Eerie And Off-Limits Spots People Would Love To See Up Close
The world is full of interesting and historical places and listen…some of them aren’t exactly on the beaten path. Some of them aren’t even open to visitors, but that doesn’t stop people from dying to see them with their own two eyes. These 14 people have some specific ideas of eerie and cool spots they’d...
15 People And The Secrets They Plan To Take To Their Graves
I know they say that secrets have a way of coming out, and honestly, I truly believe that. People do their best to really sit on them for as long as possible sometimes, though, and if no one knows except you…I’d say you could keep one forever. These 15 people are privy to some doozies...
14 People Muse On What Problems Are Unique To The Rich
Everyone in the world has problems, y’all. Whether you’re rich, poor, or somewhere in between, there will be a specific kind of problem that people in the other categories will just never be able to grasp. That said, most of us will never fall into the “rich” category, so it can be fun to hear...
15 Myths People Wish Would Just Disappear
Sure, myths aren’t true, but that doesn’t mean they can’t hurt people (or things). If people are operating under false assumptions, they could do something – or not do something – that could have had a lasting positive impact on someone else or the world around them. It can be hard to rip out a...