
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

Is This Girl Being Dramatic In Asking For A Change In Roommate After Hers Revealed A Secret?

College is a fun and exciting time in a young person’s life, and part of that excitement is often making new friends. If you’re someone who didn’t meet your roommate until move-in day, then you know that person can go one of two ways – you can end up being best friends for life or...

Should This New Dad Have Resorted To Locking Himself In A Room To Spend Time With His Newborn Daughter?

There are so many things about becoming parents that aren’t talked about enough – things that should be talked about, because if there’s anything you should prepare for as much as possible, it’s having a kid. At the top of that list, though is postpartum depression and its cousins, postpartum anxiety and postpartum psychosis. Too many...

Was This Mom Wrong To Bar Her Son From Wearing Women’s Perfume?

Listen, I know that, just from the title, most of you are already making a negative judgment of the original poster here. I mean, all teenagers make questionable choices – it’s like, an essential part of being a teenager – and very rarely does it work out well for parents to intervene. This mom says...

If You Throw A Party, Are You Personally Responsible For Everyone Else’s Allergies?

In recent years, food allergies among kids have become a bigger issue for everyone who has children, whether they have allergies or not. We have to watch what we pack in our kid’s lunches, we have to be considerate when we’re bringing snacks to sporting events, the whole nine yards. This woman’s daughter and her...

Should Moms Be Invited To Weddings Even If They Insult The Groom?

For some reason, weddings can bring out the worst in people. I don’t know if it’s the money, the sense of losing/gaining family, or something else altogether, but there are so many posts asking about how to handle someone behaving badly around the event. In this woman’s case, her mother has an issue with her...

16 People Share Folks Who Aren’t As Smart As Everyone Thinks

You know those people everyone assumes are smart? They’re politicians or big-wig businessmen or even scientists who are always giving their opinions on the news? Sometimes it turns out they’re not that smart at all – but how can you tell? One way is to listen to Reddit, who obviously knows everything, and to these...

15 Villains People Say Really Deserved To Win

When you’re writing a book or a script, you have complete control over that world and the characters who live inside it. You decide who’s bad, who’s good, and who is going to be the winner in the end. Once you put that book or movie out into the world, though, everyone else gets to...

15 Animals People Would Love To See Go Extinct Sooner Rather Than Later

Most of the time we’re hoping that animals don’t go extinct, or we’re talking about ways we can stop that from happening, but let’s be honest – not all animals are really doing their best to endear themselves to humanity, right? These 15 people piped right up when someone asked what species they would like to...

16 People Decide What Awful Animal They Would Make Disappear

I know that we’re supposed to love all creatures under the sun and all of that, but the truth is, some things just don’t do a very good job making themselves lovable at all. In fact, some of them are so unlovable that we wouldn’t even mind if they were gone at all – but...

15 Confessions People Can’t Say To The People They Know In Real Life

We all have secrets. There are things we don’t feel like we can tell anyone, for one reason or another, and things we know would blow up our lives if we uttered aloud. These 15 people might not be able to confess to the people who know them, but they just had to tell someone...

16 People Who Had Some Pretty Wild Experiences In The Hospital

If you ask me, some of the best videos on the internet are the ones that totally invade people’s privacy and post shots of them being completely silly as they wake up from anesthesia. These 16 people are owning those experiences and sharing them by their own choice – and I can’t decide if it’s...

18 People Confess The Antics They Got Up To As Hospital Patients

I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to stay out of the hospital, with the exception of birthing a couple of kids, and in those instances I was too tired to get up to much trouble. It appears that other people have enjoyed their stays in the hospital enough to get up to some hijinks,...

16 Scams That Are So Normalized You Might Not Even Realize They’re Happening

We all like to think we’re super savvy when it comes to scams and looking out for ourselves, both online and in real life, but the truth is, we can all get duped. There are new things coming around, but also, there are scams that are so common that they seem normal, so you might...

14 People Share Their Most Costly Mistakes

One of the hard truths about being human is that you are going to make mistakes. Some are big, some are small, they should all teach us lessons but occasionally those lessons are really, really rough. Like these 14 errors, that cost people more money than they probably care to think about regularly. 14. No...

14 People Share The Aftermath Of Quitting Their Toxic Jobs

If you have worked every day at a job that steals your soul a little bit at a time, then you’ve probably dreamed day and night about being able to walk away. Things like money, location, hours, and a bunch of other factors go into if and when you can actually make that happen, though....